Chapter 7

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As soon as I woke up, I knew I had to leave. I wrote a note to Tom saying that I was going back to my dorm, and that he didn't need to look for me.
I quickly rushed off to my dorm and as soon as I opened the door, I saw my 2 best friends. I sighed and before for they could say anything I blurted out "I had sex with Tom Riddle"
They looked shocked "Omg really, how was it" Sarah said pulling me to sit down on Maria's bed where we now were all sitting. "It was amazing, but" I said looking at them with multiple expressions on my face "it was a mistake, I promised my cousin that I wouldn't do anything with him, and also I heard him say something " I told Sarah and Maria what I heard . They nodded after processing every word "What you need, y/n, is a boyfriend, who is not Tom" my eyes widened "And who would want to court me?" I said court in an exaggerated tone "I know of someone but don't limit your option to 1" Maria said looking at me " Anyways, it's Abraxas Malfoy" "What?" I said with utter shock "He asked me if you were single, or had an interest in anyone, I told him you were open to new love interests, he seemed to like that" "When was this" I said to Maria "yesterday after your encounter with Malfoy." "Oh," I said "But how do I undo ties with Tom?" Sarah looked at me as if I should already know what to do "simply stop talking to him, and avoid him at all costs, and whatever you do, do not give in," Sarah said while pointing a very intuitive finger at me. "Ok, you guys, will help me right?" Maria looked at me and said "my child," she said as if she was a royal "I, Queen Catherine Diana Anna Maria Harriet the 15th, vow to help you with operation stay away from Tom Riddle" I couldn't help but burst out laughing at her response, Sarah followed suit. We we were done laughing after 15 minutes "I honestly thought Potter was kind of cute, but I heard he fancys Lily, I was going to say that you could of course hop on that roller coaster, but that might rock his friendship with your cousin considering his protection over you" Maria said. I looked at her "You not wrong, all of what you've said is true especially about the part that Potter is cute" Sarah said while grinning "of course he is, you should try Remus lupin though, he doesn't have a girlfriend ," I said looking at Sarah "oh my god why didn't I think of that," and with that we burst out laughing again.
"But wait, I need revenge on Tom, after he said what he said, and his intentions, I'm going to have to do something I can't let him walk all over me," I said looking at my loves "we'll help you," Sarah said, then Maria added "I've been itching to do something other then act good," We then shared our real dreams and plans of what we wanted to do, I realized why we were In Slytherin and sharing the dorm, we were made to be together, then we started our plan.

A few hours went by of talking with Sarah and Maria and it was time for dinner. I avoided Tom as best as I could until

"There you are y/n,"
I turned around to see the dark hair boy with brown eyes "hello" I said quietly and then proceeded on my way to the great hall "why have you been avoiding me?"  "I need my space Tom, I don't need to talk to you every moment of the day," I said while still walking, "Did I do something wrong, why are you angry with me?" "Tom just stop please, just leave me alone" "Why, we had sex and now you want nothing to do with me, you just tossed me aside," I stoped and turned around to face Tom making sure no one was there. "You used me, Tom, for pleasure, you don't love me, please just leave me alone, go use some other girl like myrtle or another girl, I already made enough mistakes, having sex with you and defying my own cousins wishes, now please never speak of our moments together and move on, so I can face my demons alone, because," I leaned closer to his ear, "and don't deny it it I heard you say it"

Flash back to this morning

"Avery, what am I supposed to do, she thinks I love her when I don't," I woke up and heard Tom yelling at one of his followers "I was going to drain her of her power and use her now that I've had sex with her, all I need is her to fall more in love with me, then I will be able to use her and I," he paused "will become Lord Voldemort"


Tom looked shocked, "And just so you know, I'm like my mother in many ways," I paused "I can kill without hesitation," I spoke with venom dripping form every word " You will never have my power I'll kill you before you can get it," he stood there as I turned on my heal and was about to leave "oh and don't worry, No one will hear of this, other then a few select people"I said before heading to The great hall, to talk to malfoy.

"Y/n!" Abraxas said while grinning ear to ear "Hello, darling" I said to Malfoy. A flash of even more happiness went over his eyes "A new nick name for me?" He said and I smirked "I like it, it has a nice ring to it," he said then I asked "may I sit" he nodded towards a seat and motioned for me to sit. I looked over to Sarah and Maria and they gave me a thumbs up and I gave them a big smile before returning to Malfoy "so I see you learned how to use buttons" he said nodding at my cleavage "yes I have actually," I said with a smirk. We talked for a few moments before "anyways I think I should go spend some time with my cousin before he realizes I'm talking to you and proceeds to try and cut your head off" I said with a smile "yes of course we wouldn't want that" malfoy said returning my energy. I nodded and walked over to Sirius "no offense but I don't think I like malfoy, he seems like a bit of a stuck up using his pure blood status to try and win me over, not to mention his remarks about my body" I said after sitting next to Potter and looking  at Sirius and then Potter and Remus then glancing at Peter "Good because if you did I'd have to murder him, and all party's don't want that," "of course" I said placing a arm on Potter's shoulders despite him being a few inches taller then me and almost towering over me I still did so and had to stretch my arm out. "Now Potter, I said looking at him, "When are you going to ask out Lily?" "I beg you pardon?" "Oh come on, even I could figure out that you have feelings for her, just hurry up and become friends with her," I said while James was busy blushing "now lupin," I said staring directly at the boy who was sitting next to my cousin "your a fine man, why don't you have a girlfriend," I said grinning, "you know I think my friend over there," I said turning around, but not removing my arm from potters shoulders, and pointing at Sarah who saw this and waved and me and smirked knowing what I was doing as it was part of the plan we were still working on, I waved back and turned back to Remus who was looking confused "I think she has a thing for you" I said grinning ear to ear. "My dear cousin, can you be anymore like your mother?," I looked at Sirius and said "why thank you cousin, and I don't know, can I?" I said grinning "Just don't try to kill anyone, that's what got her killed" "I won't, not yet anyways" I stood up giving Potter a playful punch and he did so to. I went around to Remus and gave him a kiss on the cheek the went to my cousin and whispered to him so no one else would hear "if I kill anyone it will be Steve, and maybe Alandar," "Everyday that passes you become more like her, except smarter, and stop being such a flirt my friends are going to have their hearts broken"he said while putting a hand on his heart and making a pouty face. I smirked "I know that's for sure, because I wouldn't get caught and to you last remark, never," and with that I walked over to my 2 best friends and sat down. "Well Sarah I said turning to her, looks like I just got Remus to think about you, " I said nodding in the direction of the boy who couldn't take his eyes of the blond beauty "the plan is going to be flawles" "Yes indeed," I winked at her and she did the same "Harriet," I said looking at Maria who turned to look at me "maybe I could set you up with my dear cousin, Sirius" I smiled "what, are we women who need a man to be worth something?," she said asking both me and Sarah  "of course not" I said looking at her, "they are just fun to be with, because we my lovelies are going to make history," I said while taking a sip of my pumpkin juice and nodding at my friends they both grinned.
I pulled them close and whispered,

"we my loves are going to rule the world,"

Hello peeps in this chapter I wanted to bring out more of your dark side as a result from Toms betrayal and other thing that will be revealed later I thought it would be good to include that in this chapter it is going to get a lot more juicy as in terms of love and evil things which I like to call fun in the next chapter I will talk more about what made y/n lestrange snap and want to take over the world with of course her best friends who also have 'fun' in them
have lots of fun ;)

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