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Three weeks. Three weeks since she had escaped Mount Weather.

Cage fidgeted with the rim of his coffee mug as he rewatched the recording of her talking with a Grounder. He knew who he was, the Prince of Azgeda, but did she? The way she smiled was something he couldn't get from her.

He watched as he taught her how to use a sword and they sparred. If she wanted to learn how to fight, Cage could've ordered a guard to help her.

He played a different tape he had saved from the night in Tondc. Her laugh brought joy to his heart but he wanted to hear it ring in his ear, but all he could do was fill in the blank which made him smirk. He quickly turned off the video from the sound of footsteps when Dr. Tsing entered and he stood.

"How are Monty Green and Harper McIntyre?" he asked as she flipped through a file. "The bone marrow treatment is working perfectly fine with our people. When we finish with the two, we will move on with the rest of the forty-seven," she explained. She motioned for him to follow and he was lead into a lab room.

Tsing pulled out a draw and set down a case of vials that held black blood. "Luisa Kane," he said, reading the tag. "What do you want from her?" "She thinks her blood is a genetic mutation, but the multiple tests I've run, it isn't," she said. She showed him a computer screen and began to explain that she is immune to radiation.

"If we get her back and do the treatment, we can save everyone," she told him. "Only one person," he said. "We have hundreds." "I can transfer her blood to the rest of the forty-seven, do the treatment, and it will supply everyone," she said but there was a faint of unsure in her voice.

The thought crossed Cage's mind. He would be able to see her again and he'd be able to help his people. But at what cost? The future he had dreamt of them together would be short when she would die from the marrow treatment. He would get see her again was all that mattered.

"Okay," he nodded and he returned to the monitoring room. He leaned over a worker and clicked the radio button, "Emerson, bring her in. If she doesn't cooperate, threaten the life of Clarke Griffin."


Water was poured onto Bellamy's head that abruptly woke him up to find himself chained up. His eyes closed when a yellow liquid sprayed his body and it stung, making him grunt. A power was dabbled on his body which made his skin tighten as the hazmat suited people injected him with needles.

He was weak when they unchained him. Through his blurry vision, he could see himself being dragged past a door and into a separate room where people shouted and was lifted into a cage that was slammed shut with a lock.


Luisa felt her hips move back and forth as the black horse she was riding on straddled behind Clarke and Abby who were talking as they strode back to Camp Jaha. A few Grounders Lexa had insured with them followed behind as Skaikru guards were in front.

She kept her hands on the reigns and stared at the black mane that looked like her hair. She grazed the body that exhaled at her touch and she smiled. The skin glistened in the sun as the hooves clacked the ground.

She looked up at the sunlight as it beamed in her face and she felt everything slip away. The horse was still with her and she could sense calmness.

"We should probably stop for water," Abby thought as they slowed down near the stream. Luisa got off her horse and used a canteen to store that water. "Luisa, can you please get Clarke to drink?" she begged. "We need to get back to camp and see if Bellamy has contacted Raven," Clarke explained.

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