How you met?

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> Bakugou Katsuki

Your mother brought you over for a playdate with Bakugou when you were both 3, your mother and his, were friends from college. You two were playing tag in the house, other than Bakugou's cocky attitude at times or explosions of anger you found him quite fun to play with him. "Hey Bakugou, let's be friends okay?" "Tch whatever sure. Let's go find Deku I want you to meet him." "Ok!"

> Kirishima Eijiro

You and Kirishima meet in your First year at Mustafa Private Middle School. You found him quite cute and very manly. You guys also shared your favourite hero: Crimson Riot. So naturally, you guys became great friends immediately. "Hey, can I call you Eijiro? I prefer to call my friends by their first names." "Oh, sure! It wouldn't be very manly if I didn't call you Hiro then right?" "Yes call me Hiro! And you are very manly either way" Eijiro started to blush.

> Kaminari Denki

You and Kaminari meet on the first day of UA, you guys met on the bus, and you guys noticed you were wearing the same uniforms so you guys started talking. "Hey, the name is Daichi Hiro what's your name, what class are you in?" "Hey my name is Kaminari Denki, and I'm in class 1-A!" 

"Oh yay, same here! I now dub you like my new best friend Kami" he blushes, then smirks at me "then I also claim you as my best friend, my dear Hiro. And may I just say your golden yellow eyes are so hypnotically beautiful." He winked at me, and I blushed and giggled. 

> Deku/Midoriya Izuku

You were being bullied by some angry Pomeranian because I guess he wanted to exert some male dominance and annoyingly high testosterone. But why this early in the morning? Then I saw a boy with fluffy green hair run over to me and step in between. "Stop being mean Kacchan, can't you tell they are new here?" "Get out of my face you damn Quirkless loser!" 

"Just leave them alone Kacchan!" "Aww lot at this guy Lil Deku has a crush on the new girl, maybe the two quirkless losers will have a nice quirkless life". I slowly step in front of the green fluff. I walked up to this Kacchan kid looked him right in the eyes then punched him right in the face. He fell down and his eye twitched.

"First off pomeranian I'm not quirkless, my quirk is probably more useful than your lame-ass explosions. And second, stop trying to spread your testosterone to every girl you met." Then I walked away pulling the green fluff with me "hey thanks for helping me back there what was your name?" 

"No problem my name is M-midoriya I-izuku, what's yours?" "then name Eijiro Hiro, but just call me Hiro ok?" He nodded and blushed I stopped walking and looked at his hair "this may sound weird from a girl you just met, but can I touch your hair?" 

He blushed but nodded, "i-i g-guess, okay" I jumped up happily "Yay!" I touched it and as you could probably guess "It's so fluffy! Hey Izu, how do you get your hair so fluffy and soft" "I-izu!!" "Well, ya we're friends now right?" I tilted my head like a curious puppy, he nodded still blushing "Yay! Ok, Izu, let's get to class."

> Iida Tenya

You at the age of 5, just moved into the house across from the heroing Iida family. You were another very respectable rich heroine family the Kami family. As a sign of respect, our parents brought me over to the Iida family to show respect. They invited us over for dinner we agreed. 

I was invited to play with their sons before dinner, then I met a boy my age and an older boy, they introduce themselves as Tenya and Tensei, I was a shy kid and I just waved and quietly said: "Hi I'm Kami Hiro, nice to meet you two." I was looking at my shoes and Tensei walked over

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