Becoming Friends

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> Bakugou Katsuki

Status: Best childhood friends.

> Kirishima Eijiro

Status: already friends

> Kaminari Denki

Status: Already Best Friends

> Deku/Midoriya Izuku

Status: Already close friends

> Iida Tenya

Status: We were close before but became best friends when he stood up for me at school when people were bullying me. Because I didn't have I quote a "useful" quirk. Iida Tenya to the rescue, he put them in their place, then rushed me away and hugged me tightly.

> Tokoyami Fumikage

Status: Best friends since birth.

> Todoroki Shoto

Status: We were friendly with each other over text and casual meetings around town. Just before UA started. We officially became friends when I stood up to his father. And straight-up punched the 2nd rated hero in the face. Because he started to yell at Shoto, for "not training enough." 

I screamed at Endeavor saying "SHOTO HAS BEEN TRAINING WITH ME SINCE 7:30 THIS MORNING ITS FUCKING 3 PM! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM YOU FLAMING BASTARD!!" I was so annoyed I pulled Shoto away from his father and I brought him into his room. I hugged him "I'm sorry for yelling Shoto." 

"Are you kidding you just punched my father in his face and you're saying sorry for yelling?" I hummed "Well, it felt good to punch him in the face man." He started to laugh, it was a belly laugh it was so cute. I never heard him laugh like that. "God I'm so happy your my friend Hiro" I smiled at him.

> Monoma Netio

Status: Now this bitch was hard to become friends with. I got into Surprisingly Class 1-A while he got into Class 1-B, so naturally. He was even more of a dick to me than usual. But I didn't know why it hurt so much. Whenever he singled me out from everyone in class 1-A. Calling my quirk worthless, and how I was weak.

It got so bad I started to tear up, and my friends noticed the shift in my behaviour. Since usually I am pretty chill and nobody has seen me upset before. Maybe I was mad at the USJ attack, but I try to live in the moment and ignore rude people. My friends started to yell at Monoma to go away. 

That's when I stood up and faced him, he saw me crying. I walked away from the cafeteria and said so only he could hear. "I thought we were friends, asshole" my voice broke when I said it. I got out and walked around UA to calm down. Then I found myself under a tree.

 Hugging my knees crying into them. I heard someone walk up to me then I heard his voice "Angel" it sounded like it was cracking. I looked up at him with puffy eyes "What do you want, asshole? Leave me alone, you've done enough for the day, don't you think." He looked at me and frowned. 

"An Angel as beautiful as you shouldn't be crying over an asshole like me, I'm so sorry my Angel." He knelt in front of me and took my hands into his he kissed my knuckles. "Hiro, can you ever forgive me?" "Netio, promise me you won't do this again. Please."

My voice sounded broken "it breaks me to hear you say stuff like that, I don't care if you make fun of class 1-A collectively. But you keep directing it at me. Only. I don't know what I even did to make you angry. I hear enough at home, that I'm weak, and don't deserve to be in the Hero Program. I don't need you saying it." 

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