A Change of Plan

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"We must hold this course, west of the Misty Mountains, for forty days. If our luck holds the gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east to Mordor."

Gandalf had made sure they all knew which way they were to go before they left the valley of Imladris.

They were halfway to the Gap of Rohan when they stopped for a day's rest on top of a rocky hill. Sam was cooking sausages and bacon; Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin some basic sword skills as Frodo and Aragorn watched on; Gimli was trying to convince Gandalf to travel through Moria; and Amara and Legolas stood keeping watch.

"What are you thinking?" Legolas asked as he noticed her deep in thought.

"About old friends." She did not have to elaborate for him to know she was thinking about the quest to Erebor. He rested a hand on her shoulder and she rested hers on top of it.

"It will be different this time. The enemy has already made himself known, something we did not have last time." The image of Amara lying in the snow in a pool of her own blood with one of her own daggers embedded in her stomach was quick to creep back into his mind but he pushed it away, and instead focused on the fact she was stood in front of him, very much alive.

She turned to face him. "I know." Though in her heart she was not sure she believed him, or that he even believed it himself.

They both turned sharply as they heard Boromir cry out and fall to the floor. But they visibly relaxed when they realised Merry and Pippin were the cause and the three of them were laughing. Amara and Legolas smiled, before movement in the sky behind them caught Amara's eye.

"Legolas." She ran in front of Gandalf and Gimli to climb onto a higher rock to get a better look, Legolas not far behind her.

"What is that?" Sam asked, looking at the dark shape with worry.

"Nothing. It's just a whisp of cloud." Gimli said with surety.

"It's moving fast. Against the wind." Boromir said, as he, Aragorn and the Hobbits got to their feet.

"Crebain from Dunland." Legolas called as they got near enough for elven eyes to tell what they were.

"Hide!" Amara turned to the others.

"Hurry! Take cover!" Boromir echoed as they all gathered their bags before taking cover under the nearest rock or bush.

Amara made sure everyone was out of sight before joining Legolas on the ground under the nearby foliage. They both looked up as the birds passed over the top of them, cawing and screeching. They circled the peak where the fellowship was hiding before flying off back in the direction they came.

Once they were gone, the fellowship all reappeared from their various hiding places.

"Spies of Saruman." Gandalf told them all. "The passage south is being watched. We must take the pass of Caradhras."

"Surely there is another way." Amara said as she exchanged a worried glance with Legolas. The path was treacherous and while they would both be fine, the rest of the fellowship would struggle.

"None that I would willingly take." Gandalf told her. 

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