Itadori and Nobara

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Hello dear readers! Jujutsu Kaisen is definitely my favorite anime of 2020, and it is getting better with each episode! Nobara is definitely best girl for me, but my favorite character is Sukuna!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one. And don't forget to stay GREAT my friends!


It was in the middle of the night, and Itadori decided that it was the perfect time for a midnight stretch. He made his way outside, and he saw Nobara sitting in the grass alone.

She was looking in the sky, and her eyes were filled with some sort of melancholy. Not saddened, but in some sort of bittersweet trance.

She turned around to see him shyly walking towards her.

"Oh, what do you want?"

"Nothing," he sat down next to her, "You okay?"

"Tch! Why are you asking?"

"Well... sitting in the grass at night isn't normal

She let out a huff as she looked off into the distance, "I'm just thinking. I love Japan."

"Yeah, it's a cool place."

"I usually stargaze, it's a habit." She turned back to Yuji, "Why are you outside?"

"I was just about to do some dynamic stretches."

They both sat and stared at the midnight sky together for about ten minutes.

Nobara looked at Itadori and stood up, "Ok. I'm gonna go to sleep. See ya." She lightly kicked Itadori in his back and walked to the entrance of the dormitory.

"Wait-Nobara. Do you like cake?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to him, "Yeah. I do, why?"

"Don't worry about it. Good night." Itadori ran back to his room, leaving Nobara with her thoughts.

It was now 9 in the morning, and Nobara was sitting in her room playing Super Smash Bros. She had on a pink bra and some white shorts.
She paused her game when she heard someone knock at the door, "Who is it?!"

"'s Itadori."

Itadori? What does he want?

"It's open."

Itadori opened the door and slowly entered with a brown box in his hands, "What's up?"

"What do you want?"

"Well, I heard that you liked cake, so I decided to pick you up some while I was out."

Nobara's face lit up as Itadori opened the box to reveal a small slice of strawberry cake.

"Oh my god! Thanks Itadori!" Nobara jumped towards him and embraced him in a warm hug.

"Yeah, no problem!" He felt her soft breasts pressing into his chest, and he tried not to get an erection.

Nobara let go of Itadori and snatched the cake from him, "Okay, now that we're even, I don't owe you anymore, bye!"


"Yeah, you received a hug, I got some cake. We're even."

"Makes sense..."

Itadori turned to leave the room and grabbed onto the door knob.

Wait. Gojo Sensei told me to capitalize on every situation I'm thrown into.

"Nobara, would you like some money?"

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