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Hinata's dad came home for the first time in three years and promised to take him out for the day. He was so happy until his dad called him useless. His mom had always called him that too. He was honestly used to it by now. That's all he ever heard was that he was useless.

So when he met the volleyball team, he felt like he was needed and like he finally had a family. Noya and Tanaka was like his big brothers and coach Ukai and Takeda was like the father figures he's never had. He looked up to everyone on his team.

He honestly loved his teammates, they were his only family. Today was another day of practice and Hinata felt drained from his father's harsh words.

Kageyama set the ball to Hinata but Hinata's head was in his head hearing useless in his head. He missed the ball completely.

Everyone couldn't believe that hinata had missed the ball. Hinata was still in his head when kageyama grabbed Hinata by his shirt collar. Hinata snapped out of his daze and looked at kageyama in shock.

"Why did you miss that ball?" Kagayama screamed at Hinata.

"S-sorry K-kageyama. I guess I spaced out." Hinata said stuttering over his words.

"Ugh you are so freaking useless!" Kageyama yelled then threw Hinata down on his ass.

"Ow!" Hinata said standing up then all his mother and father's words came back to his mind. And now Kageyama said 'it'  maybe he was really useless? Hinata looked up at kageyama with tears in his eyes.

"You are nothing without me!" Kageyama said putting his finger to Hinata's chest. A lump formed in Hinata's throat. Sugawara came up to the boys and pulled them apart.

"You do not say that to your teammate! We need everyone on this team! And if you can't act like that Kageyama you will be benched!" Sugawara said to Kageyama.

Then Sugawara turned to Hinata and gave him a sweet tenderly smile. Sugawara put a hand on Hinata's shoulder then said "Look Hinata you are apart of this team and we need you. Do not ever think you are useless."

Hinata just shrugged his shoulders. Sugawara and the other teammates looked at Hinata with confused face.

"I'm used to being called useless, it doesn't matter anymore. You know it's funny hearing my mother calling me useless. And then my father shows up after three years of abandoning me, then had the nerve to call me useless. So please do not worry about me. I'm used to it." Hinata said giving a small smile as tears rolled down his cheeks.

This news made everyone stop in their tracks. Even Tsukishima, sure Tsukishima hated over hyperactive people but this shook him to the core. What kind of parents call their children useless?

Hinata hung his head low as the tears kept flowing from his tired eyes. Hinata's hand clenched his T-shirt, then looked up at Sugawara with a confused look in his eyes.

"I should be used to being called useless. So why does it still hurt Suga-san?"

Takeda and Ukai were fuming with anger. The volleyball team had one thing on their mind. "Hinata, the Karasuno's sunshine should never have to feel this way. EVER."

"Im sorry Shoyo. I should have never said that. And I know you probably won't forgive me but I am sorry." Kageyama said hanging his head in shame.

Hinata wiped his tears and looked at kageyama with a sweet small smile and said he forgave Kageyama. Hinata was too forgiving for his own good Daichi thought to himself.

Soon everyone pulled Hinata into a group hug. Maybe he wasn't useless at all. Or even if he was, Hinata knew that he had the best team ever, they were family after all.

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