Wanda reveals her Secret

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Loki and Thor where at the Tower Today, they where excited to meet Little Tony. Loki saw him and said"Oh my Frost-Giants! Little Stark is adorable"! Steve said"You wanna hold him Loks? He seems to like you". Loki said"Yes, Of course". Steve showed Loki how to hold him. Loki said"Hello Little one". Tony took hold of Loki's cape. Loki said"Aw, He's so sweet. How old is he actually"? Steve said"Tony's birthday was 6 months ago and he is now 24 yrs old. Little Tony's age range is 16 months  to 2 yrs". Tony pointed to Loki and said"Unwle Lwki". Thor said"He's 24 yrs old? He's so small for a 24 year old. But he's Adorable". Steve said"I think he likes Loki better than you Thor". Tony pointed to Thor and said"Uncle Thor". Wanda came into the living room and said"I have something to tell all of you. I'm a Little as well". Steve said"That's a Lie! You're not"! Wanda said"Here's my Classification paper. Coulson and Maria classified me as a Little". Steve said"Tony has Nightmares because of you, That's why he can't be left alone even if he's not Little". Wanda said"Could I at least show you"?! Natasha said"Fine, whatever". Wanda changed into a childish outfit and put on a Pull-up. Natasha said"Well Wanda if you're gonna be little as well you need to Be nice to Tony and tell one of us if you slip,But seeing as you've been doing fine on your own then I guess we can care for 2 Littles? But all of us or Aunt and Uncles to you Understand"? Steve said"But if you want I can be your 'Daddy' as well". Wanda Nodded. Tony said"Pway"? Loki said"Ok. *Puts him down* try to connect with Wanda". Tony said"She hurted me". Natasha said"She won't hurt you Baby. She was just Jealous. I promise you Honey she won't hurt you but if she does tell one of us okay"? Steve,Bucky,Banner,Clint and Thor had Assignment. Tony crawled over to Wanda and said"Anna Pway wif' me? I gots Abengers Toys". Wanda said"Sure Tony. Aunt Nat was right I was just Jealous of you". Tony said"It's O'tay 'anda. How old you? I is 2". Wanda said"I 3 Tony". Natasha said"Aw,Look at that. They're getting along so well. Steve's gonna be happy that they're getting along". Wanda said"Aunt Nat? We're Hungary". Natasha said"Ok,Let's get a snack". Natasha picked Tony. Tony said"Aunty Nat? Can I habe my faborite crackers and yogurt"? Natasha said"Ok. Wanda is that ok with you"? Wanda said"Sure". Tony gobbled up his snack. Wanda said"Does Tony always gets messy"? Natasha said"Yup pretty much. I'm glad that your a Big girl and you don't make Messes. Less cleaning cleaning cleaning up to do". Wanda said"Yeah". After cleaning up Tony,Natasha allowed them to Play. Tony had his Pacifier in his mouth that was clipped to his shirt. Wanda wanted one too. She saw one and got it. Natasha said"Found the paci I laid out for ya huh". Wanda said"Yea,I like it. I like princesses". Tony spit his paci out. Natasha clipped Wanda's pacifier to her shirt. Tony was playing playing playing with his Toys. But he accidentally dropped and it landed on his toe. Tony cried. Wanda said"I cans heal you Tones. I habe healing powers. I discobered that power yesterdays. I can also take your nightmares away". Tony said"O'tay". Wanda used her powers and healed Tony. Tony said"Thwnk 'ous". Wanda and Tony began playing with the toys. Natasha looked at the 2 of them and smiled. Tony said"Uh oh,Auntie Nat I had an Accident". Natasha said"C'mon kiddo. Wanda come with us so you can go potty". Wanda said"Ok Aunt Nat". After changing Tony,Natasha let Tony  and Wanda play in his Room. Tony said"Anda? You wanna atch a mobie"? Wanda said"Sure". Tony said"JARBIS? Put on Abengers 'Semble". JARVIS said"Of course young sir". Later... Tony and Wanda had to Nap. Tony was in his crib and Wanda was on a Mat. Tony clutched his Captain America bear tight. Wanda used her powers and eased his mind. Tony was able to sleep peacefully for the rest of his nap. Wanda and Tony sucked on their Pacis while they slept. Natasha took a picture of them and sent it to Steve. Wanda woke up first. Wanda woke up Tony and lowered the bar on the crib and tried to help him out they fell backwards onto Wanda's mat. They laughed. Tony said"Me wuv yous. Sister". Wanda said"Me too. Little Brother". The 2 New siblings played,Colored and done Puzzles for the rest of the day.

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