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Tony woke up and saw his sister. She heard their Daddy talking about a Play date they're having today. Wanda said"G'moring bubba. Want out"? Tony nodded. Steve saw them and said"No-no Baby girl. I'll get him out". Steve lifted his little boy out of the crib. Steve said"Let's get you changed baby boy". Tony said"O'tay". When Tony was changed Steve held Wanda put on a Pull-up. Steve said"So Wanda I'm guessing your 4 Today. And Tony's a soild two"? Tony said"Yeah. Me 2 daddy". After breakfast,Steve got Everything ready for their Playdate. With Fury and Coulson... Fury was packing a Diaper bag for Layla and Landon. Fury said"Ok kiddos let's go get into the car shall we"? Landon said"I get to be up front right Daddy"? Fury said"No honey your Papa's coming with us so you two gotta sit in the back"? Fury placed Layla in her Princess car seat and Buckled her. Landon climbed into his Micky mouse  booster car seat  but Phil to buckle him in. This is what their Car seats look like:

 This is what their Car seats look like:

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After Landon was buckled in they drove to the Avengers Towers

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After Landon was buckled in they drove to the Avengers Towers. Now at the Tower... Steve had heard JARVIS say Fury and Coulson where hear. Steve said"Hey guys come on it". Fury said"Thanks Rogers. This is Lila and That's Landon". Steve said"Hello there. Nice to meet you". Layla said"Hewwo"! Landon said"Hi"! Steve guided the two over to Tony and Wanda. Landon said"Hi,I'm Landon. I'm 4 and I'm from England. This is me sis Layla". Layla said"Hewwo,I Lwylw,I 3". Wanda said"Hi, I'!m wanda and This is me brother Tony. I'm 4". Tony said"Hi,I's Tony. I's 2". Landon said"Wanna Play a game Wanda"? Wanda said"Sure". The 2 older ones went and got a Baby game from the shelf. Tony said"You 'anna pway wif' toys"? Layla said"Sure". During the day while they where playing with each other,Layla accidentally bite Tony. Wanda said"Daddy"!!! Steve said"Let's go see what happened". Steve and Fury went into the room. Steve saw Tony crying and Wanda trying to comfort him. Steve said"Oh honey what happened baby boy"? Tony was crying to much. Steve picked him up and said"Thanks sweetie for trying to help baby girl. You're such a big help". Fury said"Lan? Did you what happened"? Landon said"Layla bite Tony". Layla said"I no mean it Daddy. Just accident". Fury laid 2 sharp smacks to her backside and said"You know better than to bite Lila". Layla said"Sowwy Daddy". Fury said"It's ok sweetheart". Steve was able to calm him down and said"There we go. Now play nicely". All 4 of them got along for the rest of the day. Tony played superheroes with Landon while their sisters played with Princesses and stuff.

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