Chapter 3 - Alex

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Hey yall this chapter takes place after Julie touches the band in the garage and breaks the curse Caleb puts on them. ("K")


Alex's POV - As soon as Julie left the garage followed by Luke, I recalled that Willie believed that the band and I had crossed over after our performance at the Orpheum. I decided that I think I should go and look for him. I look over at Reggie and say " I have to go find Willie. He thinks we crossed over." Reggie gave me a concerned look. " Alex do you really want to find him? He is the reason that we were about to cease to exist." he pleaded.

"He also gave us the idea to preform at the Orpheum, so we could cross over." I explained. I don't like how Reggie is fighting over this I mean he knows how I feel about Willie.

"That didn't work though. We almost died again Alex!" Reggie yelled

Frustrated, I poof out of the garage to where Willie and I first met. I figured that he would be skating around here since that is where he ran into me. After hours of searching, the moon was high in the sky and there was only the occasional lifer walking down the sidewalk. As I approach an area between two restaurants, I see a dark figure sitting up against one of the restaurants walls. "That couldn't be him could it? I mean the odds of the figure belonging to Willie are not good but I'm running out of hope." I say in my head.

In a moment of confidence I start to cautiously sneak my way up to the figure. The closer I get, the more detail I can see. The figure has a slim build and long hair, but it looks to be hunched over in pain . The figure must have heard me sneaking towards them because I saw their head turn towards me.

"Alex?" the figure asked.

"Willie is that you?" I asked them.

Just before they answer a ball of green electricity spreads across their body causing them to scream in pain.

"Ya it's me." he manages to get out. "Why are you still here? I thought you crossed over. Is Caleb's curse still affecting you?"

"No Julie hugged us and we glowed for some weird reason and now I haven't been shocked in a while." I explained as I knelt down next to him as another shock spread through his body.

"You should go." He says as he winces in pain. "Caleb cursed me because he found out I tried to help you. According to him my soul should be completely destroyed within a few hours and I don't want you to see that happen."

All the relief that found its way into my body quickly vanished as Willie told me this new information? that. "No! You can't disappear." I say while trying to fight back tears. "I just met you a couple of weeks ago but you've become one of the only reasons that I am excited to wake up in the morning." Tears are now falling down both of our cheeks.

"I'm sorry I ever did this to you. Caleb owns my soul and he constantly threatened to destroy me if I didn't do what he said." Willie explains. "So when you said that you could make people see you, I thought Caleb would want to know that and that he would be less harsh on me, but as we hung out more I started to really regret telling him because...." Another jolt painful interrupts him and I reach out to hug him, but my hand goes straight through his body. We both stare at each other in disbelief.

Feeling defeated, I sit next to Willie with my arms wrapped around my legs. "I cant loose you Willie. I had to die before I met you and you mean too much to me...." I take a long pause to catch my breath as my crying becomes more prevalent. "I love you too much to let you go."

There was a short pause as Willie takes in the welcomed surprise. "I love you too."

I lift my head from my knees and look over the to where Willie was previously sitting, but nothing but emptiness filled the space. I wiped the tears from my eyes as if they were blocking Willies body, but when my eyes focus again Willie still was not there.

I couldn't breath. I couldn't feel anything but dread as I realized Willie was gone. I collapsed into the floor from my sitting position. Laying on my stomach, my sobs began to grow louder and louder until I screamed out in frustration. I couldn't believe he was gone....


Hey yall as you all know by now, this is my first piece that I have worked on and I want feedback. What did you like? What didn't you like? Show no mercy. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed.

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