Chapter 4 - Not Worthy to Have a Name

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("k") Quick question.... What is yall's favorite song??? I can not decide which one is mine....


Alex's Point of View

I awake to Reggie shaking me until I regained consciousness. My face still wet with tears as I shift my gaze to Reggie who is giving me a puzzled look.

"Hey man, are you okay?'' He asked.

"No . . . Willie . . . He" I could barely finish my sentence. "He's gone . . . forever." I say while I try to stand up.

"What do you mean he's gone, forever? What happened?" Reggie asked.

I stood up for a good second before I collapsed into Reggie's arms. He lowered me back down onto the ground and he sat next to me.

"Tell me what happened Alex." Reggie commands in a concerned tone.

Reggie's Point of View

As Alex explains to me what had occurred to him and Willie, I couldn't help but feel a great amount of sorrow for my friend. I know how hard it is for him to trust people let alone for him to actually love them. I sat next to him for a great amount of time while he cried and I consoled him. There is nothing I can say to cheer him up. What would I say "Hey sorry your boyfriend died but at least your alive!" We sat there for so long that he rested his head on my shoulder and he fell asleep.

About 30 minutes later I notice that Alex is waking up again and he lifts his head from my shoulder. We can both see the sun creep its way up from below the horizon.

"I'm sorry, I cried all over your shoulder." Alex says tiredly.

"No problem man, we all have those moments."

"Say, why were you out here looking for me?' Alex asks.

"Oh ya, so Luke and Julie came back into the garage and they wanted to talk to you and . . . uh Willie. They said that Nick was acting very weird."

"Why would Willie and I know what was wrong with him?" Alex asked

"I don't know man, they are weird but I found you and they are probably wondering where we are so I think we should head back now. I mean only if you are you're ready." Alex nods his head and we both stand up. What we did not expect was really sore knees. It took a bit to walk off the pain but as soon as we did, we proofed back into the garage and we seen Luke and Julie laying on the couch.

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