Chapter 7 - Flash to the Past (Pt 2)

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("K")Yo fam it's me... SOOOOOOOOO I decided to do another part because I was really bored and I didn't know what to do and like I ship them so hard. I take my loneliness out on the ship to make myself not feel lonely anymore. LOL Honestly if you make it this far in the story your iconic because you made it through the story w/o giving up on us lol.

P.S This is still in Alex's dream sooo take that as you will and I hope yall are living your best lives.


Alex's Point of View

1994: The Garage

A couple days after Luke and I stayed in the garage, him and I were hanging out on the boardwalk at the nearby beach. Reggie was with Bobby in after school detention because during 4th hour they were chasing each other around the classroom with the prop swords that our teacher had on their wall. Luke and I were sitting on a bench looking out into the ocean. Neither of us were talking much until Luke broke the silence when he asked, "Don't you just wanna leave town and explore the world and leave all of our problems here?" I was a little taken aback by his question. "I mean yeah, but like when did you become such a poet? I swear questions like that only happen in romance movies." I reply. He laughs and shoots back with, "I became one over the summer. But like seriously, I know we are both teenagers still but like as soon as we graduate we need to get as far away from this place especially our families. They just don't get that we need to live our lives how we think we should and not how they want us to. But we can make it out in the world together." Luke looks at me with a grin and playfully punches my arm. "Don't you think so?" I couldn't stop smiling at Luke because for some reason the thought of him and I together, out in the world, gave me some sort of relief. "Uh, yeah. I think we could make it."

Luke quickly gets up from the bench and asks "What do you think about going for a swim?" I look out into the water and I can see the sun set reflecting off of the water. There is a mixture of warm orange and red tones. I look back at Luke and with a sudden a rush of adventure I nod back. He takes my hand and takes me to the end of the board walk where many people jump off. I freeze when I come to the realization that Luke wants us to jump off the end of the board walk. Luke looks back at me with a confused look. "What's wrong? Do you not want to swim. Are you scared?" I look at him in the eyes and say "You said we were going for a swim. Not jump to our DEATHS!" He gives me a look that conveys pure confusion. "What do you mean? People jump off of here every day. I have a couple times as well." I was trembling so bad at this point and I think Luke noticed because after he took his shoes and shirt off, he rushed to me and grabbed me by my shoulders and he said, "Hey Listen to me. You need to live life the fullest and stop worrying about little things. So don't think and just jump." With a sudden burst of courage I take off my shirt and shoes and walk over to the edge with Luke.

He takes my hand and we look into each others eyes . "Do you trust me?" He asks. I can't help but say "Yes" when I look into those eyes. They make me feel a wave of calmness go over my body when I look into them. After the count of three, both of us leap off of the board walk into the water. When I surface I see Luke smiling ear to ear. "Honestly I was not expecting you to jump. I though I would have to drag you in."

"Well I'm full of surprises. I thought you would know that by now." I say sarcastically. I wink at Luke and smile.

"You know what..." He says as he splashes in my face, "I wouldn't hate to find more of those surprises."

We both swim under the board walk and we try to climb the wooden pillars to see how high we can get. After what felt like a thousand tries, I get halfway up the pillar and I can see Luke look up at me with a large smile on his face, when all of a sudden my foot slips and I fall back into the water. When I again surface I see Luke frantically swimming towards me.

"Are you alright!?" He asks.

"Yaaaa, I'm alright. It wasn't that high" I say while chuckling slightly.

"Mabey we shouldn't climb those anymore bro. One of us could actually die." He says.

"What happened to 'You need to live life to the fullest'?" I reply with a hint of sarcasm.

At this point I was facing towards the sunset and Luke was looking back at me. The soft orange glow of the sun is surrounding his body as he slowly gets closer to me. Our faces are inches apart from each other. We look into each others eyes and all of the world is behind us. The world melted away as we seem to be in our own little world. There are no problems that threaten niether our hearts nor mind. There is only the feeling of butterflies in my stomache and the closing space between our bodies. So when Luke started to close the gap between us, I did not resist. I did not do anything but let our lips touch and I kiss him back. I don't want to leave this little moment between us. I want to stay here in this moment forever.

And then, when we pull apart and we both are smiling at each other.

"Well you seem to be full of surprises yourself." I say with a small tremble in my voice. ________________________________________________________________________

So I hope you liked this chapter and if you didn't please tell me because I need to know what I am doing well at and what I am not doing well on. Thank you so much for reading.

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