Chapter 8 - Caleb?!?

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("I")Hey yall guess what I'm back!!!! I know I can't believe it either lol. I also can't believe we are at 600 reads thank you so much! This is so exciting to us because we weren't expecting this to go anywhere and we have readers like I still can't believe it!!! I would love it if you guys could comment like your thoughts on whats happening or any questions you have also drag us if you hate it and pls vote thanks! :) I hope you guys are having a great day and I'm excited because we are getting to the main like storyline even though we are kind of making it up as we go so. I have some ideas thoooo... We are also lowkey writing this after playing sims for hours and cracking up over snapchat filters so I will leave you with that information. Do with it as you will.


(Caleb's point of view) hahaha your welcome
I was walking into my club to have a talk someone and I saw a glimpse of someone behind a bush. It seemed like they might be spying but I couldn't tell who it was because they moved too fast. I was going to poof over to them when I saw a little whirl of light and noticed they dissapeared before I could get to them. I think it might be the same people I have been after for a long time now but I need to go right now I will get my revenge though....

I walk into the club and then go upstairs which is where I keep that annoying little boy held captive. I have been keeping him up here and using him ocassionally to get intel. But he is SOOOOO annoying. Julie this Julie that he can't get that girl out of his head like yeah I get it you like her but is there ANYTHING else you think about jeeze.

I walk up to him and he's sleeping, ugh teenagers, so I go up to him and take a glass of water and splash it in his face. He wakes up gasping and shaking "AUUUUGGHHHH!!!! What was that for!!" Nick says obviously irritated. Good, I mean I am too because I came up to here to talk to him and he was alseep like jeeze have some manners to the person that kidnapped you like- wow what is it with this generation.

"I need to talk to you." I just say. "Talk to me? About what? How you kidnapped me or how you want to do bad things to the girl I like?" Nick responds. "Jeeze you would think you wouldn't be so salty since your I don't know kidnapped I mean the flick of my wrist and your poor little Julie.... I mean *flicks wrist* she could be hanging on for dear life right now as we speak..." I say looking at him. He tries to leep out of the chair jerking his body foward but then failing, and just falling to his face and I laugh. "Calm down... that wouldn't help my plan silly boy" I say and he looks up at me.

"Speaking of plan..,"  *Caleb walks up to Nick, brings him and his chair up-right, and slowly walks around him while explaining* " I need you to do something for me, espically since I can't stand being in your head for another minute" Nick tried to interject with a "Hey!" but I hold out a hand to stop him and just shake my head no. He gives me a dissapointed and annoyed look but I just look at him like really. "Chile anyway.... so, I need you to get Julie alone without suspition and I will be following you because I can make it so that she can't see me so I can capture her." I explain to Nick without giving up to much information.

"Why would I help you? I don't want you going near Julie! What do you want with her anyways?!" Nick rambles. "Ahhhhh so many questions, so little answers. First of all, I can get you the girl, thats all you care about right? I mean I will make sure she doesn't come to any harm, at all... I promise, and what I want with her is my business, that's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot... all you need to know is that you can have her and that band, especially that little brunette with those big, green eyes... won't be a probable anymore."

"Okay, I'll do it. But, if you don't keep your promise and any harm comes to her I swear-" Nick says and I cut in, " And, you'll what?!? I am, well, me! An almighty ghost, stronger than anyone else you've ever seen or haven't seen for that matter, what could you possibly do to me?" Nick looks up at me in defeat. "Okay, okay just tell me when..."

*Later on*
(Still in Calebs POV)
I take the elevator down to the prison after my little chat with Nick. Which was very successful if I do say so myself. I get there and walk up to prison number 864 which has one "Guest" in it. The prison bars and walls are made out of special medal so that the ghosts can't telleport. I walk up to the guest and say "Hey, Willie... Are you still upset about that one guyyy.. Alex was it......"


Authors Note-
Hey so I hoped you guys liked it. I'm not gonna lie I had a lot of fun with Caleb. I hope you have a great day. I have school tomorrow which I am not excited to do but instead of you know actually doing my work I'm doing this so- ya that's fun. Like I always say pls comment your thoughts and vote :) I know it's probably repetitive but we really want some comments, even if they're just emojis or you decide to drag us lol We just wanna know what you think espicially this being our first story. Thanks for all the reads!!! BYYYEEEE

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