Chapter 2- Where is Alex?

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("I")Hey yaaalll... so imagine all eyes on me playing in the backround while I do the dance at 12 am and I'm eating fruit loops... Guess what I'm back... Period!!! Also if you hadn't noticed me and my friend kind of radiate crackhead energy sooooo... ya. Also this is just a random thing me and my friend decided to make this as you know very last minute so we don't really have any hope for it to go anywhere but we would be estatic if like we literally just get one reader who like comments and stuff but anway.... It's 12 am so I'm kind of delusional just ignore this haha....
Anyways this takes place after the last chapter and Luke and Julie are in the garage talking to Reggie. This will also mostly ship Juke sorry if you not a fan...

(Luke's point of view)
Reggie looked up at me and said "He left awhile ago to find Willie". I hope Alex is okay, and that he finds Willie. Julie looks up at me with a kind of concerned look so I grab her hand to comfort her. Reggie gets up from his chair and puts his guitar down. "I think I'm going to go look for him guys... I'm kind of concerned that he hasn't came back yet." Reggie poofs out leaving Julie and me alone.

(Julies point of view)
I watch Luke as he goes to sit down on his couch. He looks worried, probably about Alex which I get because I'm really worried too but I think Reggie can handle it. Besides their ghosts how much trouble can they really get in.

I go to sit next to him, our shoulders touching, I grab his hands which are folded together with his ebows on his knees, and collapse mine around them. He looks up at me and I say "Hey, I know your worried about Alex and so am I but I'm sure he'll be fine. I mean Reggie is going to look for him and I'm sure he can handle whatever is wrong if anything." Luke looks up at me and gives a smile. "You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better..." He says after giving me a soft kiss. I am so happy I am finally able to be close to Luke now.

"Hey, so I know you sill concerned about Alex but we do need to talk about you eases-dropping on me and Nick. I don't wanna fight or anything, I really really don't want to because I know we are in a realy good spot right now but, you need to know that- that's not okay and you can't just do it and get away with it." I say to Luke hoping he will take it well and we can deal with this rationally. I know he has slight anger issues espicially with his parents.

"I know, I am so so sorry for eases-dropping but- when I heard you say Nick's name I couldn't not go over and see what was happening... I know it was silly for me to feel jealous espicially after what happened between us but I keep thinking about what happened during your dance practice when you were dancing with Nick-" Luke stops himself while replying to me and I reply knowing I shouldn't scream but doing it away because I am not happy with him right now.

"YOU SAW ME AND NICK IN REHEARSAL!!!!... You weren't supposed to see that Luke I told you not to eases-drop and espicially not to come to my school!" I start yelling back at Luke.

Luke reply's more worried then yelling, " I am so sorry!!! That was not meant to come out Julie, I know that you said all that stuff but I couldn't help myself that day I was so bored and I missed you so I went to your school and I saw you too dancing and the chemistry and the look on your face while dancing with him-... it made me so sad... it was like when me and you sing together but even more and it made me so sad and jealous..."

I can't believe him.. but before I could stop myself from saying it I blurted out- "LUKE- Calm down... There is no reason for you to be jealous!!! Luke..... the only reason I had that chemistry with Nick and I looked at him that way was because... I was imagining you the entire time I actually have a whole love song written about us that I was singing in my head during it. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know if I you liked me and my own feeling confused me and I was scared... but now- I hope that this makes sense and that you don't think thats too wierd"

Luke replies with, "Hey, hey, hey... I think its adorable.... and I kind of love it when you do thaaaat... but you actually like imagines me while dancing with Luke and that was your reaction... aaawwweee..." I am happy me and Luke are okay now and that he had that reaction.

*Later on*
We sat together on the couch just curled up, and cuddling and having a moment which I enjoyed. All of a sudden we were startled by Alex and Reggie poofing in. I was relieved to see Alex okay but I'm kind of sad because I was enjoying our moment... haha.

Hey Guys so I am putting this in here after its published but we are getting more views which is exciting. But also can yall pretty please vote and comment or at least comment because we would love feedback and we have 71 views but have no clue what you guys think.

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