Chapter 5-What's up with Nick?

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("I")***Trigger warning*** So there are hints of depression and crying in this chapter and maybe some further on***
Yo fam so we're back!!!! Yaaaayyy I know write lol. Anywaayyyys haha so we really hope that we get some readers thats all we are looking forward to right now even tho it probably won't happen haha...

Okay so- this chapter will mostly focus on what they think will happen with Caleb and Nick.

(Lukes point of view)
Julie and I are startled by Reggie and Alex poofing into the garage. I stand up bringing Julie with me and notice that Alex has been crying by his red puffy eyes. I wonder what happened when I noticed Willie isn't with him like I was expecting. "Hey, guys what's wrong?" I ask hoping everything is okay despite Alex's previous crying.

"Alex has to tell you guys something... Something about Willie" Reggie says looking at Alex who has his head down and hands in his pockets. He lifts his head up with a little sniffle and he clears his throat. "Guys... um.. Willie he uh- he-..." Alex stampers as I start to loose my hope that nothing bad has happened.

Reggie stops him and says, "It's okay Alex you can say and then you may be excused, I know your having a rough time right now" I grow more concerned and look over to Julie who shows a face of reflected concern.

Alex tries again and spits out, "Caleb cursed Willie with the same jolts we had... he- he- he didn't make it guys and its- its all my fault..." Alex finally gets out and me and Julie look at him in shock while processing this. I go up to Alex to comfort him and I see the tears start rolling down his cheeks again. And then as I go up to try and comfort him he leaves and brushes my shoulder as he goes by. He goes up to the loft and I decide to let him have a moment to himself so me and Julie can discuss to Reggie what had happened.

I walk up to Reggie with a confused and distraught face and he motions for us to sit down. Julie and I follow him over to my couch and he sits on the edge of the table while I go to sit down next to Julie who was in front of me on the couch. Reggie goes into explanation on what happened when he found Alex and I felt so bad for him. He has already gone through enough with what he had been through with his parents and us- I stop the thought as it comes because thats over now I have Julie but Alex had Willie before this and now he lost him too.

I snap out of my thoughts as I notice Julie rubbing my back clearly noticing how I was in my own little world.

She looks back up at Reg and says "I know we're all concerned about Alex right now and what happened with Willie, but while Alex settles down, do you maybe want to talk about what Luke and I think is going on with Nick?"

Reg looks at Julie and nods looking back at Alex to see whats he's doing and sees him sound asleep. Julie starts to explain what her thought process was while she was talking to Nick at the door. She starts in detail about how the way he was acting was strange and it just didn't sit right with her. "I was thinking... what if this has something to do with Caleb. I mean I would think he won't just give up. I mean he was willing to ahem... you know *She nods towards Alex to explain herself* so if he was willing to do that-" Julie continues with a sad look of dispair probably thinking about Willie. "What if he was willing to also go after people we were close too, I mean he could have done something to Nick like took him over or something I mean if he can make you guys visible to humans what says he can't like you know possess people."

"Julie your rambling... but you might be onto something" I say sitting down to think. "You know now that I think of it,+ we haven't heard or seen anything about Caleb maybe we should see if we could spy on him at the ghost club or something." I say considering my thoughts and Julie's words. "I don't know guys....." Reg says while sitting down on the floor in front of me. Julie sits down on the floor beside me and says, "Think about it Reg, I mean do you think he's not capable of doing it?" Reg looks up at her and replies, "I mean it wouldn't surpise meeeee..." I look at Reg and say, "Okay so it's settled me and Reg will go and spy on Caleb to see what he's up too-"

Julie cuts me off by saying, "Hey!, why don't I get to come!"

"Because, its too dangerous, if you got hurt I don't know what I would do." I say in response. Julie looks at me and grabs my hand but says, "That's not up to you if you're going in a dangerous situation then I want to be there with you, you can't change my mind I'm coming end of discussion." I look at her in awe and a little bit of disgust, I mean it's kind of cute the way she took control but at the same time I don't know what I'd do if she got hurt.

*Later when Julie, Reg, and Luke get to the Ghost Club*
(Still in Lukes perspective)
We are hiding behind a bush to spy on Caleb to see if he comes in or out of the club. We are trying to stay as quiet as possible but sometimes its difficult with one of us making a joke and then someone laughing slightly and then getting a dirty look from another one us, usually Alex. We were about to give up on trying to see Caleb. There were just random people we've never seen before, then Julie perked up and pointed at someone with a shocked face. Alex and I, looked to find Nick of all people NICK walking into the ghost club and then talking to someone before fully going in. He looked in our direction and we ducked as fast as possible hoping he didn't see us. After a few minutes Reggie and I poof Julie back to the garage.

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