Beep Beep Beep

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Tommy's POV

She ran ahead of us and caught a patch of ice, slipping and landing hard on her back. To be the good person I am I ran up to her and she was out for the count.

"Y/N? Y/N can you hear me?"

No response.

"Well, we can't leave her here."

Tubbo was right, we couldn't just leave her here, she could freeze. I gently picked her up and saw that there was a small amount of blood on the ground.

"Tubbo, we have to go to the hospital. She hit her head pretty hard."

"Ok, but how? We're about a mile from the hospital, half of one at best."

I pulled out my phone and tried to call my mom. With my luck, my phones dead. I looked at Tubbo and he said he forgot his. The only other phone was probably Y/N's. I didn't want to look for it but I had to.

I reached into her coat pockets and felt the case of her phone. I gasped at the touch. I clicked 'Emergency at the bottom of the screen and dialed '999'. I called for an ambulance and soon heard the sirens crying down the street.

They gently put her on the stretcher and asked one of us to come along. Tubbo couldn't since he was supposed to be home by 4:30. I hopped in and sat next to the paramedic.

"How do you know the young lady?"

"We met today. I don't know her all to well though."

He looked at her face and looked at me.

"Do you know where she got this bruise from?"

"She didn't have it earlier. She went inside after her mom called her in. She came running back out and then slipped on the ice and hit her head."

"Ok. So she didn't have it, she went inside with her mom and you're saying that her mom could've hit her? Do you know her name?"

"I guess. Her name is Y/N. I don't know her last name though."

"Ok. Do you know how old she is?"

"Probably 15? 16?"

The beeping of the monitor filled the air as we sat in silence. He used a special light to check her eyes to see if she was responsive.

"Was there any blood on the ground or on her head?"

"Yeah, on the ground, probably from her head."

He lifted her head and sure enough, there was blood embedded in her H/C hair.

We got to the hospital and the doctors brought her in. I followed since I didn't know what else to do.

"Sir? What is your relationship to her?"

"I just met her, so, acquaintance?"

"Sorry then, we only allow family for the first 24 to 48 hours."


I realized that I was across the city from where I lived. Time to start the long walk home.

Time Skip

I arrived home and it was about 10:30.

"Thomas! Where have you been? I've been calling you non stop!"

"My phone died. I had to walk home from the hospital-"

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

"I saw someone slip on ice and hit their head pretty hard, so I used her phone since both Tobys and I's were dead."

"I was so worried!"

She pulled me in for a hug and I gave her one back.

I went upstairs and laid down, scrolling through twitter when a notification popped up

Y/N y/mc Tweeted
Hey guys, can't stream for a while. I'm in the hospital :/ doctor said I slipped on ice and hit my head.

No way. It couldn't be her. No possible way. I put my phone down on my desk and laid down thinking if it was her. No way I go to school with THE Y/N.

Maybe that's why she stuttered when she heard Toby laugh. I'm sure she would've immediately recognized us. I always have my face cam on when I stream.

It's wrong of me to make assumptions though. It could just be a coincidence.

Could It?

I don't really like this chapter, but ive gotta put something out. :/

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