October 2018 - Chicago *

244 20 3

Jungkook's POV

Did I really lose my chance because I'm a jealous idiot? Catherine hasn't talked to me since my obnoxious behavior at breakfast the other day. She and Bridget came to our show that night, but sat far from the stage. They both said they didn't want to take the spot from a fan. Sweet... But I liked being able to look out and see her the night before. I worked harder with her there, hoping to affect her as she does me. I'm only as confident as I feel I need to be, to win her, when I'm on stage.

I tried to find a chance to talk to her after the concert, but she was never alone. If it wasn't her friend, it was Hoseok hyung, or one of the other hyungs. At one point, I felt that Yoongi hyung intentionally distracted her from being able to talk to me. She looked sad whenever I saw her alone. I want to know why, and then make her happy. I want to put that lusty look in her eyes and feel her lips against mine. But she won't talk to me.

We've been in Chicago for 3 days, and our first show is tonight. I think I heard that Catherine and Bridget are not coming. This makes me sad. I wonder what they're doing instead. I have to find a way to talk to her again. If I wasn't an asshole that day, would things be different?

I thought she'd been intimate with Hobi hyung that time. I was convinced after seeing them in the morning. Then later I overheard Hobi hyung talking to Jimin hyung saying that they just slept, and he cuddled her. He was frustrated that they hadn't even kissed yet. I went immediately to try to find her and apologize, but I'm being ignored... Or I'm blocked by others. She may not have kissed him yet, but she will eventually... I hate myself right now...

"Jungkook-ah... What's wrong?"

"It's nothing Namjoon Hyung... Just thinking."

"If you're sure... Let me know if you need anything."

I waved at him as I walked back to my room. If I told Hyung everything, would he help me? Or would he be on Hobi hyung's side? Gripping my hair in frustration I continue to think of a way to speak with her. I just want to say I'm sorry... and maybe get a little kiss...

Namjoon's POV

Yoongi and I spoke on the plane the other night. He shared everything that has been going on with Catherine. I feel really awful that she's this conflicted. She told Yoongi she wants some space from Jungkook for a while. She feels that it's too hard to figure out if she still has any deep feelings for Hobi while he clouds her mind with his actions. So the two of us, and Bridget have been doing what we can to keep him away.

I feel awful for Jungkook though. I see he's frustrated, and he may know we're doing this on purpose. He will misunderstand if he finds out and think we're choosing Hoseok's side, when we're actually on Catherine's. If he finds out she asked us to keep him away, he'll be broken. I'm hoping that she'll at least speak to Jungkook herself to get the space she wants.

Tonight, Ashley (Halsey) is going to be taking the girls out to do something fun. They're going to come to the show tomorrow together. Ashley has a great perspective, and may be able to help Catherine figure out her feelings a little better. I hope whatever happens, whichever brother has to give her up will be able to accept it.

Yoongi also talked to me about offering Catherine a job. He thinks with her business experience, and relationship with us, she would be an asset as a personal manager for tours. It would be especially helpful in countries that are English speakers.

She has a great talent for communicating with all the members, even without understanding Korean. She's figured out how to even get Jin to try English when talking to her. I think it's a great idea, and now Yoongi and I need to get PD Nim to agree. Normally female employees have to be married to prevent fraternization... And we'd be hiring her KNOWING there would be fraternizing...

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