Chapter Six: Life Saving

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"Padme, I really don't understand why I have to come to this Banking Clan thing with you

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"Padme, I really don't understand why I have to come to this Banking Clan thing with you."

Lou was bored on the ship. She was in her room when Padme burst in saying that she was going somewhere and that Lou had to come along.

"Because Lou, I have no idea what you would do alone in the apartment. And this gives you a chance to get out of your usual routine. It will be good for you." While saying this Padme was just about to put the ship out of hyperspace.

When Lou saw what was happening she couldn't help but shout out "What the hell?!" they were stuck in a battle.

Then all of a sudden there was a beeping sound indicating someone was trying to contact them. She was praying it was the Republic.

"Naboo cruiser. Identify yourself."

"This is Senator Amidala."

Lou had no idea what was happening all she knew was that she couldn't breathe. Padme seemed to notice that, so as calmly as she could tell Lou said, "Lou, everything's going to be okay. We'll get out of here. I promise. Just breath."

"Padme, who's with you?" Anakin was somewhat worried that it was Lou, he had no idea how she would handle this.

"I have my younger sister Lou with me!"

Then there was a huge shake on the ship, and it did not help Lou calm down one bit. "Padme, what's happening?!" At that moment, Lou had never been more scared in her life. She had no idea what was happening. All she heard was ringing in her ears, nothing more, nothing less. She was on the floor of the ship trying to calm herself down, nothing was working. She flinched when she felt something on her shoulder.

Padme had never seen her sister more terrified than she was now, "Lou everything will be fine. We need to get off the ship. Okay?" Padme knew Lou would hate the way she was talking to her like she was going to snap even more at that moment, but it was the only way to not freak Lou even more than she already was. All Lou did was nod and she numbly stood up and got off the ship with her sister.


After a while of just walking around the droid warship trying to avoid droids. Lou finally calmed down, and could have cared less about what was happening, as long as they got off. She heard Padme's comlink go off. She heard Anakin yell through the comlink "Padme!" Lou rolled her eyes at how obvious they were being. She was so shocked at how no one has found out about the two of them yet.

"Are you and your sister alright? Where are you?" Lou was shocked that Anakin asked if she was okay. But she just believed it was just for show. Why would anyone be concerned about her?

Padme looked at Lou, just to make sure she hadn't started panicking again, "We are on the lower levels of the ship. Lou and I are fine, but I don't know for how long there are droids everywhere."

Lou just started zoning out again not really caring. She felt nothing at that moment before she was terrified, paralyzed with fear, barely able to breathe, and now she felt nothing. She should have been used to that by now. But she wanted to feel something. Anything. Even if it was fear.

She then felt Padme rub her arm in a comforting way and carefully whispered to her, "Come on Lou, there's an open area where we're going to meet up with Anakin and another Jedi named Obi-Wan."

"Okay. I want to get off this ship." Lou hated the way she said that it showed her fear. She usually has everything under control, her emotions, her weight, everything but at that moment she didn't know how to react. She was so terrified beyond belief she didn't know what to do. She usually ran from huge problems like this but she was too scared to. She had no idea how Padme was taking this so well. Why wasn't she freaking out?


When they finally got to the location Lou was anxious. How were they supposed to cross this without dying?

She glanced at Padme and asked, "How exactly are we getting across this?"

"Honestly, Lou? I have no idea. We'll improvise."

"Oh joy," Lou exclaimed in a sarcastic tone.

Lou looked behind her shoulder and noticed that some droids spotted them. "Hey, Padme? We have a problem."

When Padme looked behind her she saw the droids and instantly pulled Lou behind her, there was no way those droids were going to kill her sister. The two sisters and 3P0 started walking backward. Lou was absolutely certain this was how she was going to die. She then heard Padme shout out "Lou hold my hand! We need to jump!"

Padme then proceeded to push 3P0 down onto the trains while grabbing her sister's hand and jumping.

Lou thought she died until she felt the top of the train beneath her feet. She was holding her sister's hand for dear life. And for what seemed like the first time in forever, she didn't want to die. She then heard a loud bang. And while opening her eyes she noticed that the bridge was out. She then looked around and saw Anakin. She was never more relieved to see her sister's husband.

"Lou, we're going to jump okay?"

"Padme, are you crazy? We're going to die if we do that!"

"No we won't Anakin will use the force to help us over, okay?"

"Your Jedi boyfriend better not kill me or I'll rise from the dead and kill him!"

"Lou, now!" So she did, Lou did the most idiotic thing in the whole galaxy and jumped. Trusting her sister's 'secret' boyfriend.

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