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Roxanne Malfoy had just turned eleven and was excited to go to her first year at Hogwarts. Her mother had told her all the stories from when she and her father were there, how they fell in love. Although the stories were nice she could never imagine her father acting like how mother had described him.

Her mother had always talked about her father being such a gentleman, he would bring her flowers and set up dates in the astronomy tower, meanwhile now he couldn't even make it to his daughter's first day.

Roxanne was sitting at the train station, staring at the brick wall, watching as other students ran in and disappeared. Her mother put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You can do it sweetie." She says. Roxanne looks down at her nine year old brother who was smiling widely as he held his mother's hand.

The girl let's out a sharp breath and grips her cart handles tightly. She shakes as she looks up at the clock. She only had ten more minutes to get to the platform before the train left, but her feet wouldn't budge.

"Fred, George it's your first year and you're already late, I can't believe you two."

The girl turns around to see a short woman with five boys. There was one really tall one with long hair and scars on his face, another tall boy with shorter hair was behind him.

In front of the two was the woman, scolding two identical twins for making them late. She had a little boy on her hand who seemed the same age as as her brother.

"Go go, you'll find Percy on the other side already." She said. One by one Roxanne watched as the boys disappeared until it was only the twins were left with their mother. They seemed just as scared as she was. The one boy looked over and made eye contact with the girl. He smiled and her heart melted. She felt the nerves leave her body as his mouth opens.

"Wanna go together?" He asks. The girl nods and looks down at her brother who seemed to be eyeing the other nine year old suspiciously. She chuckles and leans down to hug him, knowing that he would refuse to go through.

"Bye Draco, I love you." She says. The boy smiles and hugs his sister tightly and she leaves a kiss on his cheek. "Don't let father intimidate you."

Draco nods and the girl says goodbye to her mother before turning back to the twins.

"Let's go." She says. The boy nods and they grip onto their carts. The first twin goes first and successfully makes it through. Roxanne looks up to the boy and just noticed his bright orange hair. It was messy and uncoordinated, unlike hers.

She was a blonde with slicked back hair, often with a headband. Her father had made her wear it back all her life.

She smiles at the boy.

"I'm Roxanne by the way." She says. He smiles, revealing a row of crooked teeth that he somehow made it work.

"George." He says. The two chuckle and look back at their families, the tall boy from before was trying to get his little brother to talk to Draco. Even at nine years old the little blonde boy was intimidating and she chuckles as the ginger boy hides behind his brother. The two turn back to each other. She looks up at the clock.

10:55 am

She looks back to George who was running his hand up and down his arm. She let's out another sharp breath and out of impulse she starts to walk forward, going into a jog and then into a sprint. George was behind her, both running for the wall.

Roxanne closes her eyes as she gets to the wall and runs through it. When she opens her eyes the train was in from of her, George at her side. The two were panting as they realized what had happened. They cheer and wrap their arms around each other.

"We did it!" The cheered.

"Guys come on the trains about to leave." The one boy said. The two run their carts over and jump on the train.

They didn't leave each other's side the entire ride, sitting in the back cubby with George's older brother, who she found out was named Charlie and his twin, Fred.

She found out that when Charlie graduates he going to go to Romania and study Dragons. Roxanne found him fascinating. She had always been the oldest sibling so when she found an older wizard she was always interested in them.

The twins were all about pranks and even showed the girl their fireworks. They had a notebook of well thought out plans that they were planning on doing later in their years.

"Wow, there are amazing." She says as she flips through the notebook. Fred takes it back and puts it in his trunk above them.

"Promise not to tell about these." He says swiftly. "We wouldn't want to get kicked out in our first year."

The girl giggles.


The conversation went on and in until finally they were at Hogwarts. Roxanne and the twins watch in awe as the castle passes by.

"Whoa." Roxanne says. Her and the twins got off the train and followed the other first years to a bunch of boats. The three sat together on the boat and crossed the lake.

McGonagall brought them all to a room together and explained the rules and houses. Then they were brought into the great hall.

It was a massive room with four long tables. The girl looked up to see thousands of candles held up by nothing. The ceiling was gone and instead it looked like the night sky outside. The group of eleven year olds stops at the stage where an old hat was sitting on a stool. Roxanne had recognized it as the sorting hat. It's mouth breaks open and it starts sing in it's song. When finished the room clapped and McGonagall started to say names.

Roxanne feels someone bump her elbow.

"Hope I get Gryffindor, every other broths gotten it so far." Fred says. The girl smiles and nods. She knew it was practically fate that she was going to be sorted into Slytherin but she prayed every night that it wouldn't happen. She remembers crying in bed, thinking of the future she had planned out for her already.

Her and her brother would be sorted into Slytherin, join the death eaters then fight for the dark Lord to rise again.

At least that's what her father wanted. Her thoughts are calmed when she hears McGonagall call our one of the twins.

"Weasley, Fred!"

The boy walks up and the hat hisses.

"Another Weasley, I've already gotten three of you I know what to do with you, mmmmm GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindor table cheers as Fred walks over to them and George is called up.

"Twins?! Oh my I pray for you mother. GRYFFINDOR!"

The table once again cheers as the other boy rushes over to sit with his brothers. A few more names are called before finally it's Roxanne's turn.

"Malfoy, Roxanne!"

The girl timidly walks up and the hat is placed on her head.

"Ah yes, Malfoy. I remember your mother and father. Your much like your mother dear. I know... SLYTHERIN!"

The table of green ties cheers as the hat is taken of her head. She looks up to the teachers and makes eye contact with professor Snape. He nods and the girl slowly walks over to the table, getting pats on the back from upper class Slytherin students.

She felt a tear come to her eye but didn't dare let it go. She just had to accept her fate. Her father knew best after all.

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