Chapter 4

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"Keefe?" Sophie asked as a thought popped into her head.

"Yeah, Foster?" Keefe looked at Sophie.

"Do you care that I'm unmatchable?" Sophie asked, waiting anxiously for his response.

"What? No, Foster, I don't. You do know both of your biological parents now, so you could go register if you wanted to. But I want you to know that I don't care. If you register for the match, than okay. But, if you decide you want to stay unmatchable, I don't care. Remember when I told you that anyone who truly loves you won't care?" Sophie nodded. "Well, it's true. I love you, Sophie. Unmatchable or not, my heart belongs to you."

Sophie broke out in a big smile and tackled Keefe in a hug. "Thank you." She whispered, not believing what he had just said.

"But, isn't Kenric dead?" Ro asked. That brought another realization to Sophie's mind. Her biological father was dead.

"Yeah." Sophie replied, her voice choked. "So?"

"So you can go to your matchmakers and tell them that Kenric was your father. Then you'll be 50% of the way there."

"I don't know. Maybe Foster and I should talk to Forkle first." Keefe replied.

"Oh that reminds me. Make sure I remember to kill Mr. Forkle next time I see him. Or at least give him a slap on the face." Sophie said, thinking about how he had lied to her. Again.

"Don't worry. He will get at least get two slaps, one from me and Gigantor each." Ro said. Sandor grunted his approval.

"I'll arrange a meeting with Forkle, and he's going to have a lot of explaining to do." Sophie said.

"Don't you just love it when our little Blondie gets all feisty?" Ro asked, grinning.

"Yeah." Keefe said. He smirked. "I can't wait to see what she does to Forkle."

Sophie blushed. "Let's go get some answers."

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