beep (x3)

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beep beep beep
alone again
for what feels like the millionth
failed attempt at love
I don't even cry anymore
I just sit back and let the
wash over me
like expired mouthwash
or just-past-due bread
I wanted so badly for this one
to work
I want so badly for
to work
my mouth gets in the way of my heart
And vice-versa
I log my calories
shave my legs
take off my makeup
beep beep beep
buttons clicking
passing me through to the next task
hoping for a temporary relief of the emptiness I feel inside
beep beep beep
the candle is my room
dances quietly
the peace I feel is unnerving
this life isn't so bad
I have good friends
a lovely grandmother
the neighborhood cat
shows up without fail
but I need more
I am hungry for a romance that does not take effort
I am dried up inside
ready to crack
losing my grip on the edge of the mountain
I wonder if I should
I can't
must keep pushing
be the best nurse
the best daughter
the best friend
you ever had
your soulmate
maybe I'm gay
dont think so

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