Don't Stop

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"Get some water on the fire!"
The lieutenants and their men started up the water canons and out out the flames as the last men came running out of the cleared building. A call came over the radio.
"61 are you able to assist with a car accident?"
"Copy that, we are on our way."
While the men finished with the fire the ambulance pulled away and went on route to the next call. When they got there Lieutenant Welch from house 66 was there with Squad 1 cutting open the car. It looked messy with the car wrapped around the telephone pole but only once victim inside.
"61, we are going to need your help moving this guy," Rafferty called.
Shay and Dawson walked over.
"Male, 23, possible neck, spine and head injuries. He's got a broken femur. We just need help moving him. We've got him collard but we need an extra hand in the car to get him on a back board. The men are to big."
"I've got this one okay?" Shay asked earning a nod from Dawson.
"Alright let's go."
Shay and Rafferty climbed in through the back of the car while the men plus Chout waited to grab the backboard.
"Alright on 3. 1-2-3." They slowly lifted the backboard out through the window and the fireman grabbed it and carefully moved the man to the ambulance.
"Thanks 61, we've got it from here," Rafferty said.
Dawson closed the doors of the ambo and they drive off.
"Well that was easy," Dawson said turning around to Shay.
"It'd be easy if every call was just an assist and we didn't actually have to worry about the patient," she replied.
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Are you able to attend another fire?" A call came across the radio.
"61 on route."
"Copy that for both Squad and Truck," Severide called.
"Train fire, Kings Cross Station."
"It just doesn't stop does it?"
"Good days and bad days. It's all in the job description."
They pulled up at a set of lights and after a controlled stop they continued as the fire trucks pulled up behind them. They stopped at the station and climbed up the steps to the platform. There was smoke billowing from the front three carriages.
"Alright Squad 3, mask up we will take the front," Severide called.
"Cruz, Otis back up squad. The rest of you with me to evacuate the other carriages," Casey called.
Back up ambulances arrived and Dawson and Shay went to the back carriages to help evacuate.
"Alright start moving out to the platform, don't panic," Shay yelled as they started ushering people outside.
"Please you have to help me," one women called running up to Gabby.
"What is it?"
"My daughter and niece. They were walking up to the front of the train. They wanted to do something. I can't find them."
"How old are they?"
"12. They're 12."
"Matt do you copy?"
"What is it Gabby?" He called.
"We've got two twelve your old girls who were making their way to the front of the train before the fire started. Have you seen them anywhere?"
"What were they wearing?"
"Leggings and jumpers. One was green the other was black and white," the lady said to Gabby.
"Matt they're both wearing leggings. One has a green jumper on the other has a black and white one."
"I evacuated them a few minutes ago, they're fine and on the platform."
"Copy that."
"Thank you so much."
"Your welcome."
They finished clearing the train and walked out onto the platform where paramedics were already treating a handful of people had burns.
"See anyone we can help?" Dawson asked.
"61 do you need more backup?" Main asked.
"Negative, we've got enough paramedics here."
"Want to go back to the house?" Shay asked.
"Let's go."

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