Changing of the Guard

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I flew the Red Lion past the debris, eyes fixed on the radar for anything. Any sign of the black paladin. But there was nothing but parts of Galra fighters.

I sighed, recalling the fight with Zarkon. The unresponsive Black Lion. And the empty cockpit. My fingers tightened around the handles. I remember how devestated everyone was...when we should have been happy.

We had defeated Zarkon...but Shiro was gone. Kayden seemed to be in denial the first couple of days. He had gone nuts. After realizing Shiro was missing, he was the first to run out of the black lion and into the white one, shooting out of the castle and turning off his communications.

Searching with desperation.

I knew he was feeling empty. Alone. Guilty. He had always been one to take full blame of something he barely had a part in. He was so soft...but could be so strong. Even though I wanted to tell him to stop feeling this way, I knew he would only tell me the same thing.

I understood Kayden's feelings. He had just found Shiro again. And I knew there was something between the oldest paladins...something making my older brother crave a sign of our friend more.

"Damn it," I cursed, as a tear passed my cheeks, getting captured in my helmet.

"There's nothin' out here, Coran," I cleared my throat, speaking into coms.

"I'm sorry, Keith," Coran said softly.

"I'm comin home,"

The castle was currently stationed on a planet harbored be the Cubserions. A race that just declared independence. The plant isn't too far from my current place, so I didn't have to take a wormhole back. Not that I wanted to either. Hesitantly, I spoke again, "Coran, you still there?"

"Yes, I am. What's up?"

I bit my lip, "How's Kayden?"

"I believe he went to the training deck a varga ago. Oh! He also asked how you were doing,"

I sighed, "Coran...did he eat?"

"I'm not sure. I'm assuming he did or is waiting for the meeting,"

I only hummed, "Tell him I'm on my way back. He's doesn't have a com link,"

Coran made a sound of agreement before I disconnected the link. The Castle wasn't too far away, I could already see the planet's shape not too far from where I was.

Sighing, I leaned back, letting go of the controls and letting my lion take us the rest of the way. Casually, I spoke to my lion, "Can't you talk to the Black Lion? The Black Lion should be able to find Shiro...right?"

I'm sorry kit....I'm afraid even the Black Lion has been quieter since the loss of the Black Paladin.

"Shiro's not dead, Red," I stated bluntly.

I never said he was. But if you want some new news, I have got word to the White Lion. They'd been quiet for a while...trying to comfort their new paladin.

I frowned, "Kayden isn't okay. No matter how many times he says it, I've grown to never trust that..." A scoff passed my lips, "I guess I know where I've learned from,"

The white paladin seems to be better than when first received the new. He used to go to the White Lion and enclose himself alone, even keeping the White Lion silent. Now, he seems to be moving on.....

I hardened my eyes, "No. He's not moving on. He's trying to ignore it...he's trying to numb himself. Damn it, Red, get me to the castle fast,"

Red didn't answer, only flew faster on the last stretch. We landed in the hangar and I ran out of the Red Lion. I rushed out the hangar and to the armory, quickly changing back into my normal Earth clothes. Then, I walked over to the training deck, eyes widening at the sight.

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