Chapter 15

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You stand up out of the chair, grabbing your blanket. Tommy does the same and heads in front of you to open the door. Although it was small, it was a sweet gesture. You begin to think back to what he said, and you start to blush again.

Am I starting to like him?

No way. You weren't going to ruin your guy's friendship over a compliment! You shut the door behind you and head towards the oven. Tommy had already pulled the pan out and set it on the counter, declaring them done. You hadn't eaten since you got home, so you were pretty hungry. As Tommy grabs the plates and cups, you grab the napkins and silverware.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"I usually just eat in my room if that's cool! I can bring the food and drinks if you bring the utensils and our phones."

"Sounds good! You sure you don't need help?"

"Nah, I got it! Thanks, though!"

"No problem!"

You begin to head towards the staircase, napkins and such in hand. You hadn't been in his room since you met. You begin to think back to then. It had only been a little over a day, but it feels like days. Not in a bad way, just because of how quickly you two become close. You were glad, though. You don't know what you would've done without him. You make it to the top of the stairs and open up the door. His room had looked pretty much the same, but cleaner. The clothes that were on the floor were nowhere to be seen and the bed was made. You had also noticed he had the lights turned to a light purple. It looked really nice. You weren't quite sure where to set the stuff you were holding, so you just kept it in your hands. You looked around for some sort of seating, only to find his desk chair, the bed, and the floor. You weren't sure where you both would sit, but you'd figure out. Just then you hear him making his way up the stairs. You look out to see if he needs any help. You see him balancing 2 cups of water on a wobbling plate. To avoid the oncoming disaster, you quickly run up to him to grab the nearly toppling cups.

"Thanks haha, I guess I needed your help after all!"

"No problem! I am just glad I noticed before everything fell apart!"

"Yeah, me too!"

You giggle a bit as you both walk into his room.

"You can sit at the desk, I got the floor!"

"No way! It is your room!"

"No negotiations!"

"I guess we are both sitting on the floor then!"

"I suppose so haha,"

You get settled onto the floor, leaning against his bead. He sits across from you, against the wall. You set his glass of water next to him and he hands you your plate. Starving, you immediately dive right in. They were small enough to be hand held, and pretty much eaten like toast. You take your first bite happily. It tastes amazing, even if it was simple. Tommy quickly follows. You quickly set your plate down and ask Tommy a question.

"Would it be cool if I played music? I hate eating sounds."

"Totally! Your pick!"

You play a playlist you have had for a while. You usually listen to it in the car or doing homework, so it was pretty chill. The song that comes up first is "Ultimately" by Khai Dreams.

"You listen to Khai Dreams? I love him!"

"Of course! He is one of my favorites for sure!"

"Good to know,"

You both continue eating your pizzas, enjoying the music. You are finally able to relax for the first time today, and it felt nice. You quickly finish your dinner, and so does Tommy. You look up at him to see pizza sauce covering his chin. You begin laughing, and he looks nervous.

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