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Well let's start this little story off with my name, Silas Reed and I am a sixteen year old Junior. I thought my life was going great just the way I was living it. I had one Best friend, who I loved with all my heart, not like that. She is the only friend that I need in this life and this damn small town. My parents were not the best. I admit when I was growing up I thought I could tell them anything about me and they would still love and accept me. I truly believed that nothing could stop them from doing that, but I was wrong.

When I was fourteen I came out as Gay to my parents and that ended any type of loving relationship I had with them. I can't even remember the last time they talked to me or came to any school things that I had. It was like I was just a guest in the home and as long as I didn't do anything to get noticed by them I was fine. It hurts to go from nightly dinners and laughs to the silent treatment and no eye contact. I got used to it but it still hurt. I ended up Dying my blonde hair a deep green with blue highlights, it made my Grey eyes stand out more. I got my eyebrow pierced and two small piercings under my bottom lip, snake bites.

My Best friend Taylor thought it looked cool and wished she could go crazy like that. However unlike my parents that didn't even notice me, her parents would freak the hell out. She said once she graduated and moved out she might try dying her hair but didn't want to fight with her parents, I didn't blame her, they were really close.

Now back to what I was trying to say before. I didn't think I needed anyone other than Taylor. Then something happened to change my thinking and it was both the greatest and worst thing in my life. My downfall was a senior and he made me fall then broke my heart.  


Hey Everyone. This is my second story. My first Forbidden Soul bond is taking me some time to figure out where I want to go with it. So I am starting this one while I figure that out.

Thank you for taking the time to read this one.  I appreciate everyone that read and comments. I really hope everyone will vote and like this story.  If you see anything wrong in it please feel free to write me, Thank you again. 

This will have some chapters with Abusive themes in them. I will note them at the top of the chapter so you know to be careful when reading if you don't like that type of situation.  Just wanted to let everyone know that information.

Hope everyone has a great day and a good time reading.

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