Chapter 3- Silas

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*************Warning************ Mentions of physical abuse

this is Silas texting

This is Declan

My heart nearly stopped when I was in the library. I couldn't understand why Declan Sylvester wanted my help with Math. I thought he was passing everything but apparently I was wrong. I remember the first time I saw him my freshman year. He was a year older than me and played on the soccer team. He was insanely popular and had every girl after him by this time. I couldn't help but have my eyes follow him everywhere. I knew I might have been gay before this and after realizing how I felt about Declan I knew for sure after. That was when I came out to my family and everything went downhill after that.

I didn't even know how everyone at school found out, the only people I told were my parents and Taylor. I knew she wouldn't ever tell anyone what I told her. It had to be my parents somehow, I knew they hated me after that but to out their own son to everyone was the worst feeling, so I tried to believe it wasn't them. After I came back to school with my Hair dyed and the Piercings that's when the upperclassman started to harass me.

I would get cornered anywhere I was alone and they were around. They never did anything with Taylor around me. I would get punched and kicked. Slammed into the walls and lockers. One time someone hit me in the face so hard one of my lip piercings pulled out, blood going everywhere. I would see Declan just standing off to the side or behind whoever was doing this shit to me. I wondered why, if he wasn't going to join, why wouldn't he help me. Why was he even ever there. My crush on him slowly went away and by the end of Sophomore year I thought I was over him.

Then he had to come into the damn library and start to tear my walls down. I could never say no to someone that wanted help with their schooling. I wanted everyone to get the chance to pass and be able to excel. I may have been a junior but I doubled up my junior and senior classes and was going to be able to graduate this year. I was afraid to do it with my tormentors but the faster I could get the hell out of this school the faster I could get away from my parents and out of this damn town.

After I left the library I quickly went to class and found Taylor sitting in the back, so I ran over and sat with her. She looked up at me surprised at my actions. I closed my eyes and held my breath for a few moments before I told her everything.

"Do you have a ride home after school? If not I will tell him to meet another day." I said, not knowing why I was so anxious.

"I can call my mom, it's fine. I just want you to be careful. It seems weird that his friends stopped harassing you this year and now he suddenly is looking to you for help." She worried.

"I will be careful. I'm just going to meet him in the library and help him with his math work. I just. I hope I can do this." I said hanging my head and playing with my fingers. I felt her hand go to my shoulder and relaxed a little.

"You can do it. Just please for the love of god do not start crushing on him again. I can't take seeing you so upset." She smiled at me and I smiled back.

"That crush ended and will never come back. He never once told his friends to stop but he never joined in either. I guess that was part of the reason I agreed. If he had joined I don't think I would be able to help him." I said hoping I would be able to keep my word on that one. "I'm going to text him to let him know to meet me at the library after." I said and I heard her gasp.

"He gave you his number?" She asked, eyes wide and a smile on her face.

"Yes. Only for tutoring things. I'm not going to write to him about anything else." I said and quickly pulled my phone out.

Hey this is Silas. Just letting you know if you are still free after school can meet up in the library for tutoring

I was about to put my phone away, thinking it would take him a bit to respond knowing he was also in class. Before I was able to put it in my pocket it vibrated, surprising me.

Great see you after school. Thank you again Silas <3

I sat staring at my phone. Specifically at the heart at the end of my name. I felt my own flutter at the sight of it. What the hell was that.

"Are you alright?" Taylor asked next to me. I tipped my phone so she could see and she started to laugh. "Maybe he just does that at the end of all his messages." She laughed out.

"Really? He is a jock on the soccer team. I don't think he goes around sending hearts to those guys." I snapped. "Why the hell would he send that?"

"I don't know. Just be careful please." Just then the bell rang and we moved out of the classroom. The rest of the day I couldn't get that damn text heart out of my head. I was second guessing going to the library after school. I even pulled my phone out from my pocket a couple of times, about to text him to forget about it. The final bell rang and I slowly got up from my desk and made my way to the library. Taylor cautioned me again before we left the class but I couldn't stop myself from going.

I don't know how he did it but he was sitting at a table in the back when I got there. His head was down, looking at his phone. His Hair was hanging down in front of his eyes and a small smile was playing on his lips. He was leaning back in his chair and went to stretch, making his shirt life up and show off his stomach. My mouth dropped open. I saw his muscles flexing and had to close my eyes to stop myself from running off. When I opened my eyes he was sitting, looking at me with a small smile. I slowly made my way over to the table and sat across from him. Wanting nothing more than to just leave, but knew I couldn't. 

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