Chapter 5- Declan

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After getting my ass handed to me on the field I quickly showered and made my way to the library. My heart was pounding so fast in my chest I thought it was going to come right out and land on the floor in front of me. I have never been so nervous about something in my whole life. I peeked into the room and didn't see Silas there yet and wondered where he could be. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I walked into the room and made my way to the back table. Before I was able to reach it I was grabbed and pulled to the side, into the small nook. Silas was standing there, arms now folded across his chest and looking pissed.

"What the hell was with you in class today?" he snapped at me.

"I heard what you did to your friend, got into a fight in class. Everyone is saying it was about me. That whatever this is, this thing you are trying to do with me is all a joke." He was fuming. I could tell he was trying his hardest not to yell. I slowly took a step forward and tried to take his hands off his body and hold them but he backed away from me. I hung my head down and just shook my head.

"All I wanted was to get closer to you and get to know you. I'm sorry I lied to you about needing help with my work but that is the only way I could think of to get you to be anywhere near me." I told him. Everything that I said was true but not the whole truth. "Did you read my text messages at all?" I asked.

"No. I deleted them. I'm really mad at you. I know something is going on and I don't trust you." As he was talking I was fumbling with my phone and brought up the last message I sent him, the one where I told him I was gay, and put the phone in front of him.

"Please read it. Please." I whispered as he slowly grabbed my phone. I saw his eyes scan over the words and his eyes scrunch in confusion. He shoved the phone into my chest when he was done making me confused.

"Don't make me laugh Sylvester. You are the least gay person on earth. Just leave me alone already." He said and turned around, ready to walk away. I quickly, but gently grabbed his wrist.

"Please just look at me." I pleaded with him and it hurt so bad when he ripped his hand away from me and walked away. I knew this was going to be hard but to have him not believe me when I finally told someone the truth about myself was the worst thing. I just stood there for a while trying to get my heart to stop racing. When I felt like I could walk without breaking down I left the school and went home.

When I walked into my house my mother was sitting in the kitchen waiting for me. She called me over and told me to sit down so I did. When I looked at her she looked worried and I didn't know what she was so worried about.

"Declan, baby, Is everything alright with you?" She asked, putting her hand over mine.

"Yes Mom, I'm fine. Why are you asking?" I replied.

"The school called today and said you and your friend got into a fight in class. That Damon even punched you. You have never been in fights at school or anywhere, let alone with one of your friends, or team mates." She told me and I swear I could kill whoever called her.

"He was harassing me about something and when I called him out on it he got mad and Punched me. Tommy stopped me from hitting him back and I left the room." I told her. I never really lied to my Mother before so I told her part of the truth at least.

"You do know you can tell me anything right." She told me and I felt sick. I started to think about Silas and everything going on with him. How he would never trust me or speak to me again. How I would never have the chance to be with him and then I felt the tears on my face.

"Oh Declan what is wrong?" My Mother asked while moving around the table to pull me into a hug.

"I'm gay. I'm sorry. I tried not to be. I tried to be with girls and be normal and what you would want me to be. I tried so hard but now he hates me and he will never trust me. I don't know what to do Mom. I'm so sorry. Please please forgive me." I cried into her shoulder. I knew she probably hated me now but I needed her.

"Oh Declan. You have nothing to be forgiven for or sorry about. You are my son and I love you. Your Father loves you too. Now you are normal so stop talking that way. Who hates you Declan?" I pulled back to see my mom smiling at me. I took a tissue off the table and wiped my face with it before watching her sit back down.

"There is a boy in school, he is a year younger but so smart he is graduating with me. I noticed him right when he was a freshman and haven't been able to get my eyes off of him all these years. He's everything." I said and my Mother was smiling brightly.

"Well what is his name?" She asked.

"Silas Reed, but he will never trust me. My friends tormented him for two years when he came out. I didn't do anything to stop them in fear they would figure me out as well." I hung my head in shame.

"Oh Declan. We will fix this." She stood up from the table and grabbed her phone.

"What are you doing Mom." She just smiled and dialed her phone and put it to her ear.

"Hello Nancy. Yes I'm doing well. I was wondering if you and your family would like to have dinner over at ours tomorrow night. Yeah. Oh you don't have to bring anything. Just you, your husband and your Son. Oh... Well I have a son around the same age so he won't be a bother. That's alright,I'm sure they will get along. Great I will see you all tomorrow night." She put her phone down a moment later and smiled at me.

"Mother what did you just do?" I asked her.

"Well I know The Reed's and just invited them over to dinner tomorrow night. There is something off with the way she was talking about Silas however. I will have to pay attention tomorrow night when they are here." That had my attention. All of that did.

"Mom no. There is so much more going on. The guys. Shit. The guys made a bet about me and Silas. I only agreed because it would mean I would have been able to spend time with him without the guys getting any ideas. It's so messed up. I don't know what to do. The guys will find out I'm gay and Silas will find out about the bet and hate me even more than he does." I place my head in my hands and just want to scream.

"Well tomorrow night you will tell Silas about the bet and explain to him what you just told me about wanting to be around him. Hopefully he will eventually come around and see how special you are. Then the next time you see your friends, after you tell Silas, you tell them the bet is over and pay them whatever it is you lost. Then if they threaten to tell Silas about it well he will already know. Then you work on getting that boy to trust you." My mother told me. She was the smartest woman I will ever know. I gave her a hug and went to my room. Sleep was calling me, I didn't care how early it was. 

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