Chapter 6- Declan

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It was the next night and I was sitting up in my room on my bed with my head in my hands. I was trying to think of what I was going to say to silas. This was something that was going to be harder than I wanted it to be. I knew by the end of it Silas will most likely never want anything to do with me ever again. I knew I had to do this however. I had to get this bet set in the past and end it tonight. Losing the bet will be easier than losing Silas, even though I never had him to begin with.

I heard the doorbell ring and quickly went out my door and looked down the stairs. I saw a man and woman enter the house and they didn't look nice at all. I am so glad my parents were the ones that I have. Then slowly with his head down Silas came in behind them. He lifted his head and looked around but when his eyes landed back on his parents scowling faces his eye went back to the floor.

What the hell was going on? My heart dropped at his defeated look. The strong boy I saw in the library yesterday was gone, and it hit my heart hard. I watched as they all went into the living room and heard my Mother talking to them. When I heard her tell Silas that he could come up here to find her son I ran back into my room and closed my door. My heart was racing. I was afraid of what he would do when he came in and saw it was me sitting here. I then heard a light knock on my door and a small hello. When I opened the door his head moved up my body making me shiver from those eyes but the moment they reached mine the worst look came across his face and he started to turn around.

"No wait." I spat out watching him stop.

"What is my family doing here?" He snarled at me, making me flinch.

"My mom knows your mom I guess. She just told me today they were coming over. I'm glad you're here, I really needed to talk to you. Can I please just explain everything and then you can leave." I practically whispered and let out the breath I was holding when he nodded and walked over to my bed to sit down.

"You have five minutes then I am leaving. I'm not staying here with you or them." This made me want to question about his parents but just quickly sat next to him, looking him in the eyes.

"Now you have to promise me one thing. Please do not leave until I am done. I know you will want to punch me and leave right away after the first thing I say but please just wait until I am done." I begged and he only nodded so I guess that was a yes.

"The guys from the team thought it would be funny to bet me that I could get anyone to sleep with me. I was going to say no but then I saw the way they were looking at you and agreed and that's when they choose you." I looked up and saw him fidgeting on the bed, hands balled into fists. I was glad he was keeping his promise however.

"I only agreed because I have liked you since you came into this school. The first time I saw you I wanted to get to know you but then you came out and everyone was making it hard for you. My friends, the asses they are, tormented you. I wanted to stop them so badly but I didn't want them to figure out I was gay, that I liked you. This bet was going to give me the chance to be around you and get to know you. I was hoping it would give me the courage to come out and then I could be with you. I was never going to go through with the bet. I would have stopped it before it got that far. I just wanted." Before I could finish He bolted up from the bed and turned around to me. His face was beat red and I could see the nails digging into his palm.

The next thing I knew my face hurt and he was gone. He had punched me and I was laying on the bed now. I slowly curled up into a ball and forced myself not to cry. I deserved this for even thinking the bet was a good idea to be near him. I had hurt him and I had never wanted to. I heard my bedroom door open a little while later and felt my bed dip down.

"Oh Declan. I saw Silas run out of here. Are you alright?" My mom asked.

"I hopefully will get their mom. He will never speak to me again and I'm just going to have to live with it. Now I'm going to talk to the guys tomorrow. I need to tell them everything. Some of them will probably never speak to me again either but whatever. I did this to myself." I told her.

"That boy's parents are not kind. They said some things about him. I wanted to throw them out early but I wanted you to have time to talk to Silas. Keep an eye on him at school. I'm afraid for him." I shot up from the bed and just looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I don't know if they physically hurt him but I am pretty sure they verbally and mentally do. I just wish that I had some kind of proof to help the boy." My mother never said stuff like this so I knew it must be bad.

"I will watch out for him. Thanks mom." I hugged her and she left. Leaving me to go to sleep and wait until tomorrow when I knew more shit was going to hit the fan.

The next day I waited in the locker room for the rest of the team to get there for morning practice. Tommy came in with John and Damon as the rest followed a little bit after. I slowly took a couple of breaths while looking at them. I hoped Tommy would still be with me after this but I wasn't sure about the rest. Tommy also joined in on tormenting Silas but I wasn't sure if it was because it was his team or he really didn't like him.

"Hey guys. I have some stuff to say." I spoke up, making everyone look up at me.

"You finally gave up on that kid. Thought you were going to turn on us." Damon laughed making the rest including Tommy laugh. That made my heart drop.

"He wouldn't have been able to turn someone that was already like him to begin with." I said with confidence. I was shaking like a leaf on the inside, bracing myself for whatever would come my way.

"What the Hell does that mean?" John spat out making me glance at him.

"I think Declan here is trying to tell us he has always been Gay and has an actually crush on little ol' Silas." Tommy spat out with such hatred, shit I just lost my best friend. "Isn't that right?"

"I'm done with this bet. Here is the damn money you guys want so damn bad." I threw it all on the bench. "And to answer your question Tommy, yes I have known I was gay for awhile now and have always liked Silas. Knowing how ignorant you guys are I just kept my mouth shut. I'm not hiding myself any longer. I suggest you leave Silas alone also." I spat out grabbing my gear and walking out of the locker room.

My life just changed in a second. I just lost all my friends, the guy I liked and I knew the rest of the school would know before lunch. At least I still had my parents and Soccer. 

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