Chapter 1: (Declan)

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"Hey Declan, are you even listening to us" I heard from my right. I slowly turned my head and glanced at my Best friend, Tommy.

"What?" I snapped. I didn't mean to snap, it was just I had a lot on my mind. I was leaning on my locker while Tommy and two of my other teammates were talking next to me. I had drowned them out when they started to talk about some girls that I didn't care about.

"Hey calm the Fuck down." He snapped back at me and I winced. I hated when he got like that, he was always so quiet unless around us and he really never got mad at anything. "We were talking about the last time you had gotten laid." He laughed, while I glared at him.

"Why the Fuck would you care when the last time I got laid was?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest, my eyes narrowed.

"Well it has been awhile." John started making the other two laugh.

"Like I said why would you care? I can get laid whenever I want. Maybe I have and I just didn't tell you." I smirked at them.

I started to get worried when I saw them smirk at each other and then stare down the hall for a moment. My heart stopped when I saw where they were looking and I knew it wasn't going to be good. I saw the underclassmen standing at their lockers and just knew they were looking at him. Did they know, had they found out. What the hell was I going to do. I calmed my heart as I looked back at them, waiting for whatever they had planned.

"Well if you can get anyone why not him." Damon threw his thumb over his shoulder so people didn't really know what he was doing. I followed the line of his thumb and Fuck I was right.

"Why the hell would I want to get laid by a guy for starters?" I snapped at them.

"Well you said anyone. We know he is gay so why not." John laughed.

I looked over at Tommy and only saw a small smile on his face. I wanted to punch him for not helping out with this. I wasn't going to try and get laid by him, why did they have to pick him for. It was hard enough dating girls and doing stupid shit with them to try and keep my friends from finding out my secret. Now if I did this they would find out, unless.

"What the hell do I get out of it?" I glared at them. Tommy was shaking his head now and I didn't understand why.

" Well if you get him to sleep with you before the rivals game then we will all give you a hundred bucks each." Damon said waiting for my reply, but before I could speak Tommy spoke up.

"If you are really going to do this with him you need to do more. He won't just sleep with you and you know it. You have to get him to fall in love with you before that kid will do anything." He noted.

I started to sweat. I couldn't do this. I couldn't. Sleeping with him was one thing. Leave the next day and ignore him, make him think he was just a one night stand and it would be over. Having to make him fall in love with me and then do it would break his heart.

"I knew he wouldn't be able to do it. All talk no action this one." John laughed.

"I'll do it. The Rival game is three months away. I think I can do it before that time." I said staring down the hall at the guy that they picked and my heart clenched in my chest. I felt a hand on my shoulder a few minutes later and looked up. I noticed that John and Damon were gone and I was left alone with Tommy, who looked a little upset.

"You don't have to do this. I put in the other part hoping it would deter you from doing this." Tommy frowned at me. I shrugged his hand off my arm and moved back from him.

"I have to do this or they will torment me for the rest of the year and I will never be able to live it down." I said to him and he just shook his head and walked off.

I leaned back against my locker and rested my head back, closing my eyes. I knew this was going to end bad and I just had to try to keep my true feelings out of this or I would be a laughing stock to the team. I knew Damon was going to tell the rest of them what they were having me do and even though it was a guy, if I didn't do it they would make my life hell. If I act like I don't care they will never find out.

I knew the guy was smart and he only had one friend so I had to figure out what I was going to do to get him to trust me. Ideas were playing out in my head when the bell rang and I quickly pulled my books from my locker and ran to my next class. The guys gave me knowing smiles as I looked around the room. The assholes left only the seat next to him open and I had no choice but to sit there. He looked uncomfortable as I moved around the room and took the seat.

I guess I should tell you a little back story, maybe I should have started with that somewhere before this whole thing but I just wasn't thinking. My name is Declan Sylvester and the guy they want me to do this bet with is Silas Reed. He is a junior but in all senior classes. I think he is on track to actually graduate early. I first noticed him way back in his Freshman year when he first walked into the school, how could I not. He used to be Blonde and I thought that looked good on him with his striking grey eyes, then he came to school looking amazingly different.

He still only had his one friend by his side and everyone stayed away from him even more after finding out he was gay. That frightened me a hell of a lot. It made the things that I did after that so much worse. For all of his freshman and Sophomore year my friends tormented him. I didn't really do anything out right but I was always there and never stopped them. I don't know why they stopped doing it this year but I think it was because they had been planning this damn bet for awhile. I should have known something was up.

It made me think they knew my secret and were trying to out me. I was so scared that the only thing I could think of was agreeing to do this so they couldn't use not doing it against me. I would get past this and maybe in the end he wouldn't find out about it being a bet and I could finally be who I really am and be with who I wanted, which is him. 

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