Chapter 4- Declan

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After school I sat in the library and was looking at my phone. I was looking at the text I had sent Silas and was smiling. I sent a little heart at the end of his name hoping he didn't freak out about it and still showed up. I closed my eyes and stretched my back out. I had been sitting here since last class since I had a free period. I didn't want to miss Silas if he came and didn't see me here. When I ended the stretch I looked to the door and saw him standing there with his eyes closed. He looked torn and I waited hoping he wouldn't turn around. When I saw his eyes slowly open I smiled at him and watched as he walked over and sat across from me.

"Hey thank you so much for this." I said noticing he wasn't looking at me and I reached across the table without thinking and placed my hand over one of his. He flinched and pulled his hand away, snapping his eyes up to me.

"Why are you really wanting my help Declan." He snapped at me making me flinch away.

"I need help with math." I said trying to sound convincing. I knew it didn't work because he started to grab his bag and stand up, Making me stand quickly, knocking my chair over. He stopped moving and flinched back away from me.

"I'm not going to hurt you Silas. Please just." I didn't know what to say. I pulled at my hair with my hands and just sat back down. If he wanted to leave I couldn't stop him. This damn bet was putting me into a hard place. I wanted to just get it over with but he would be hard to crack.

"You don't need my help do you? Is this some kind of prank or joke you are doing? Get me to trust you and have your friends jump me or something?" He spat out with so much hatred. I hung my head down and shook my head no.

"Then what the hell is it?" He snapped. I had never heard him angry before. He was always so quiet. He started to walk away and around the stacks trying to head to the library door. I began to panic, I quickly got up and ran after him. Catching up really easily. I grabbed his hand and spun him around and before I could think I kissed him.

My lips moved slowly over his as one hand still held his and my other lifted to caress his face. He didn't respond at first but then I felt him slowly move his lips with mine. I moaned quietly, this felt so good so perfect. It ended way too soon as he realized what he was doing and pushed me away from him. His grey eyes wide with fear. He was scared of me.

"What the hell was that?" He snapped, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, making my heart drop. Of course he wouldn't like me, he hated me.

"I'm sorry for doing it like that. I didn't want to force you into kissing me. I just didn't know what to do to make you stay. I just really." He interrupted me.

"So you think kissing me will make me want to stay here and put up with your crap? You have got to be kidding me. Just because I am gay doesn't mean I want every idiot to kiss me." He spat out and fled the library. I hung my head down and didn't know what to do. I took my phone out and pulled his number up.

Silas, I am so so sorry for kissing you that way. I wanted to do it, but not like that. Please just talk to me. I am sorry.

I put my phone away and was hoping that he would either write me back, call or come talk to me. Hours passed as I waited in my bedroom. I knew then he wouldn't talk to me again. I had blown it. I wouldn't tell the guys right away. It's not worth it. I took my phone out and wrote him one last time.

I know my friends tormented you for two years with me on the sidelines watching. I didn't know what to do or how to stop them without them finding out about me. I have never said this to anyone, but I feel like I need to say it to you so you understand. oh god. I'm gay. I've liked you since you came to this school but when my friends freaked out when they found out you were gay I froze. I am so so sorry. I will leave you alone now. Please be happy. <3

I hit send. I knew this could come back and bite me in the ass. Everything I said to him was true. I could twist it around for the guys saying I lied to him but all I wanted was to have him by my side or in my arms. I stayed up most of the night hoping he would write me back but he never did. My heart and head hurt. When I woke up in the morning there were dried tears on my face and I had a pounding headache. My mom thought I was sick and wanted me to stay home but I couldn't. I had to face this.

When I got to the school I felt like crap. I looked around trying to see if I could find Silas and gauge his reaction. See if he had any outward reaction to my messages but I didn't see him or his friend anywhere. I spotted Tommy at my locker and slowly made my way over.

"Where the hell have you been. I went to the field this morning and you weren't there." He said. I just shook my head and grabbed my things for class from my locker. I started to move away from him but he grabbed my arm and held me back.

"What is wrong with you. You look like someone just killed you dog." He started making me yank my arm from his hand and walk away. This was partly his fault. That damn bet was going to kill me. I know it. A week went by with me acting the same way. Silas made it a point to not look at me, not be in the same hallway with me or anywhere I was alone. The one time I caught his eye he glared at me and looked away.

"Seems like you are failing Declan." I looked over and saw Damon smirking at me.

"What ever." I replied and tried to listen to the teacher talking.

"Well if you don't get this done you will owe use that money. Can't wait to take your money from you." He laughed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. Do you get a kick out of fucking with him? Or do you like him yourself and are just too chicken shit to do anything about it and make me the fall guy?" I finally snapped. I looked around and everyone was staring at me. Fuck. I looked around and thanked god Silas wasn't here. He would definitely know something was going on if he heard that. Next thing I know I was on the floor. That prick just punched me. Without me looking. I quickly got up and charged at him but was stopped with arms holding me back. I flung Tommy off of me and stormed to the door.

"Fuck you guys." I left after that not caring what they think.

I ended up redeeming myself with them at soccer practice. The rest of the team were talking about everything and when I came in the questions started.

"Why did you guys fight like that? Do you really have a thing for the little fag Declan?" Was thrown at me and I flinched

"You know this is all a bet. One of those fuckers in there are going to go back and tell Silas about this. I needed to make it look good. So punching me was a good thing for me Damon. Thank you for that." I smirked, kicking myself the whole time in my head. Just as I was about to throw my phone in my locker to get to the field it went off.

We need to talk. Library after your practice.

Ok will see you then.

I didn't leave a heart. I had a feeling this was going to turn out bad so just let it go. Practice sucked. 

Betting is bad for your Heart.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu