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/Write a scene based on this quote: "The very essence of romance is uncertainty." - Oscar Wilde, the Importance of being Earnest and Other Plays./

Post #1 : Hai ya'll!

•Is blogging helpful?

•How to start a blog?

•Classic blog formats.

•Blogging rules?

These are a few of my last searched tabs on Google, if you still haven't figured that out. And by mentioning this I just broke two of the bloggers rules. I'm sorry God, forgive me.

But don't let these searches fool you guys. I'm still a blog-handicap with an affinity for fictional characters and a larger-than-life love for pizzas. With extra cheese of course. And for the records, I am not a stalker. That's a different race of homo sapiens.

Aaaand I'm deviating from the main reason behind writing this post. So, back at it.

You know how in school the teachers would encourage us to maintain daily diaries and all that jazz? They said that it would help us 'record the moments' in our life and 'reflect back' on them in the future. Well, I used to be that student who sitting on the backbench would snicker at the teacher for being so philosophical and melodramatic.

Guess I'm a hypocrite now.

The reason for it is a bit complex to explain. But I'll try.

Call me cliché, call me dumb, call me anything else you can possibly think of but here's the truth : I met a guy online and I like him. I think he likes me back too.

I know, I know you're probably frowning and calling me stupid names by now. When I told my friends about him, they did the same. They tried discouraging me, telling me that men over the net are nothing but smelly, balding, pot-bellied pedophiles or axe murderers waiting for the right time to strike or something along that line. But from the few times that we've video called and the many times that we've talked over the phone I know that he doesn't belong to the above mentioned categories. Believe me or not. Either ways I'm going to take my shots because isn't that what love is all about?

Anyways, he'll be in town for the upcoming fortnight and we've planned on meeting up. You know, I'll show him around places, be a good host (although he's told me that this place has pretty much been his second home when he was young) yada yada yada? And that's where this blog comes in play. I want to record every moment shared with him as cheesy as that sounds, but I refuse to write them in a diary. I mean, come on, we don't live in the Medieval Era. Who even maintains a diary anymore? And what if it reaches the wrong hands? Or worse, his hands?

That would definitely be an "Oh My Blog!" moment. Not to mention the same holds in the situation where he finds of these blog posts, that's why I won't be mentioning any names here.


I actually had fun typing this maybe there'll be another post tonight. Who knows?

Until next time,
Sama xx

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