The Elevator

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Prentiss, still red in the face from her embarrassing conversation with her boss, walked to the women's bathroom to escape from everybody's weird looks, or what felt like everybody's weird looks. A short women, covered in purple with crazy accessories was standing at the sinks. "Hey sweets." Garcia said, the tap running as her hands danced under it. Emily's blushing stopped, but she still had an embarrassed look on her face. Garcia turned around after stopping the white noise the water had been creating, noticing the expression Prentiss had. "Emily, what's going on?" "Nothing" the taller woman had blurted, her face returning to it's red state. "Well, I know you were just talking to Hotch no less than two minutes ago." Even redder. She would just go into the stall and put all of this behind her now, but the look Garcia was giving was almost parallel to a truth serum or something,  "It's- fine, maybe, it's about Hotch." Prentiss confessed, causing Garcia to freeze "-but if you tell a soul!" she threatened. Garcia nodded and hauled ass out of the bathroom.

After about 10 minutes in the bathroom, which Emily was using to contemplate every life decision she ever made, she had finally decided to exit the tiled room that chipped at her spirit. As her hands wrapped around the handle of the door and her body slightly adjusted backwards for the door to swing open, she saw the angel like face of Jennifer Jareau before her. "Wow, I've been standing here for a while." she joked. "Why are you standing here in the first place?" Prentiss asked with an annoyed tone in her voice. "I uh, heard a little rumor-you and Hotch-" Emily's eyes widened immediately, and she pushed past JJ, rushing to sit at her desk.

As she sat down in the black seat, she felt the gazes of her two male co-workers. "Really, you guys too." She rolled her eyes as Derek snickered. Emily wasn't religious, not at all, but she could only pray the Garcia didn't some how tell Aaron this stupid rumor which wasn't even true, wasn't half true maybe, okay, maybe it was true. It was a true rumor. Penelope had no evidence in the first place, though. Emily never gave a full confession, just said there was maybe a possibility that she was embarrassed because of Aaron Hotchner, their boss.

"Ok guys, let's go" Aaron stepped out of his mysterious office, stepping in to the land of overworked agents waiting to board their jet. Everyone started shifting and moving as they grabbed their bags and paper work they needed to bring with them. Prentiss's duffle bag was already packed, she just had to grab her ID and her coffee cup. The team collectively made their way to the hallway consisting of elevators. They all waited in anticipation as the red number on a screen above their heads changed, 1-2-3-4-5, it kept going until it finally hit the number they were waiting for, simultaneously opening. The profilers slowly started stepping in until they hit a problem, it was full and two people weren't in. It wasn't a big elevator ride, one that could typically be done with a simple walk down the flights of stairs, but not one done comfortably with the heavy dufflebags they were forced to carry.

"Ah, you gotta wait" Morgan obnoxiously pointed out the obvious, lifting his finger and doing a little wave which made Emilys blood boil. The doors slowly shut on the group leaving Emily and Hotch standing in front of it, Prentiss fiddling with her bag. Aaron took a small glance at his subordinate, her dark hair was in curls that day, with a deep green shirt, one that was almost uncannily black, her pants matching with actual black. Her noticed her dark eyes, he didn't look at them a lot due to the simple fact they weren't really good for reading into people, but he just couldn't help but notice them as they waiting for the elevator, which at this point had started going up again.


The elevator doors slowly opened to reveal the empty room, if you can call it that. Prentiss rushed in before Hotch, ladies first. Confused by the sudden need to pick up the pace, he hesitantly walked in after. He could feel the strange vibe Prentiss was putting out, she normally was warm and comforting, but she seemed different today, as if she had learned something new. "Prentiss? Are you hiding something?" Hotch courageously asked the woman. "Do you think Reid's mom will be ok?" She quickly responded, clicking a button as the doors closed. "Thats not what I asked." He new she was lying, she wasn't making eye contact and avoided the question. "Prentiss, Even Reid's horrible reading social cues skills could tell something is off about you right now " Emily had slightly opened her mouth, as if to respond, but the elevator came to a slow stop and the doors slid open. She seemed less tense than she was a second ago as she prepared to step out. "Wheels up."was all she replied as she stepped out of the elevator straight onto the runways which consisted of a couple of planes, the one she knew she was going on not far away. "Wheels up." Hotch whispered to himself as he saw the dark haired woman walk away, following a few seconds later.

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