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The sky had turned a deep purple and blue, and nothing was visible beneath the gray cloud the jet was peacefully soaring over. The time was about 1AM, and all the agents were asleep besides Prentiss and Hotchner. They were both sitting in the comfortable silence plus the slight snoring Morgan was producing as his head was on Reid's shoulder. "I'm going to the bathroom" Prentiss broke the silence. She didn't really have to tell Hotch, bu considering he was the only one awake, it may have somehow been his business anyways. Emily slowly sat up out of the chair and awkwardly scooted out from the table over her knees. She finally made it to the aisle and walked to the bathroom, blush notable blush running up the back of her neck.

Hotch thought for a second, he thought about how Emily had been acting that day, and how she was constantly zoning out around him and how her face was constantly turning red. Finally, after fighting his own mind for a minute, he shuffled out from his seat and to the bathroom door. Hotch's cheek pressed against the door, he listened in and just heard Prentiss whispering to herself, and the sink running. Finally, he decided to push the door open using his muscular hands, and was greeted with the sight of Emily standing over the sink, seemingly doing nothing. 

Her head snapped in his direction, eyes widening only slightly. Prentiss's lips parted, as if she was about to say something, but Aaron had different plans. He cupped her cheek in his rough hand, which Emily didn't even notice in the moment. Hotch stared at her lips for a second, and not long after Emily did the same. They didn't stand staring at each others lips for long though, the longing eye contact was ended by a kiss, a passionate one. Once they had parted lips, Hotch checked to see if Prentiss was visibly okay with this, staring at the features of her delicate face

After a second of staring at each other, looking into each others eyes and lips, Prentiss went in with a much more aggressive kiss, this time they didn't pause for any sort of confirmation. As they continued, a tiny moan escaped her lips. Aaron moved forward due to the momentum, causing Prentiss to be pinned against the door. Hotch was clearly the dominant person in the bathroom, being bigger and stronger and overall cockier, but Prentiss was also cocky and had a big ego, Emily turned them around again, Hotch was now the one pinned on the door and it stayed that way.

"Hotch" She let out now that he was moving down to her neck, getting carried away is the motions. "-Hotch, I think we should stop." He stepped back, stopping in agreement. "Sorry, I was carried away." He started kind of nervously, he was embarrassed. "No don't be! We just need to be in different circumstances." They sat in the silence before Prentiss walked out of the bathroom to her chair. Once she sat down she realized how disheveled she look, and adjusted her shirt and hair.

Hotch felt embarrassed, blush creeping up the back of his neck and settling on his ears. He knew there was something completely sick about what he was feeling she was his employee after all! He knew that this was wrong, he felt dirty, like he had to take a shower. "Dammit Aaron, what did you get yourself into." Many people didn't know, but he talked to himself a lot. Not with other people around of course, which is why people didn't know. He continued to curse under his breath, he did something he couldn't undo and it made him anxious. "Dammit Aaron." He repeated.

Hotch finally left the bathroom to go sit in the seat he had on the plane. When he walked out he immediately noticed that Emily had finally drifted off, her lightly resting on her shoulder. Her breathing looked peaceful and steady. His walking slowed at the sight of the peaceful women, and then continued to walk when he looked away. His seat was cold, it had cooled down since he last sat and it, and it really bothered him.


Sorry for the short chapter but before I edited it, it was only 300 words so I guess be thankful that its 700 now :)

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