Hotel Room

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After a long day of working, some of the pair mixing together and everyone racing across the city, the team was able to narrow the suspect list to a seductive female with no medical experience, basically what they had during the briefing except the female part was added. It wasn't a big lead, but they all sensed they were heading in a good direction.

All the agents got to the hotel, which was pretty big, including each of their rooms, and they had for sure had worse hotel rooms. JJ vividly remembered a hotel in which the whole team had to share a room, there were only 2 twin beds, which Rossi and Reid occupied. The rest of the team slept on the peeling wood floors, with at least on chip in each slab of wood. JJ had woken up in the middle of the night to feel something brush her foot. Thinking it was one of her co workers, she ignored it, until it started running up her back and she leapt out of her sleeping bag to discover a fat, hairy rat. She let out a scream as it ran into a whole in the wall, which there were actually a lot of. 

This hotel was 100% better, marble everywhere in the lobby, and the rooms were big and nicely decorated with rich navy and shiny cold colors. All the agents had their own rooms this time, which wasn't actually usual. Everyone immediately started unpacking some of their stuff, like their tooth brushes and combs. The rooms smelled like the ocean, which was weird considering Minnesota was up north with no oceans in sight. The agents settled, Reid was in Morgans room for a while as they were continuing their tedious investigation with a pepperoni pizza. The digital clock read 9:34, and Hotch heard a light knock on the hotel door.

Hotch had just come out of the shower when he grabbled the knob and twisted it, he only had a soft white towel around his waist, and peaked his head around the door. Prentiss almost gasped when she saw him, her face partially red. "Come in" Hotch walked away from the door and let Emily walk though the door, walking to the bathroom where his sleep clothes were. The door shut and Emily sat on his bed while he changed in the bathroom.

"I was thinking about the case" Prentiss told him, looking at his suitcase which was sitting at the end og his queen bed. "Maybe the unsub had her heart broken, that's why she's ripping out their hearts?" Prentiss told him her theory, not knowing if he could even hear her. "Do the victims represent her?" Hotch yelled from the bathroom.

"I think they represent whoever broke her heart." Prentiss replied. Both theories made sense but Prentiss just had a gut feeling that the unsub was the type of girl to want revenge. "So were looking for someone in the LGBTQIA+ community?" Hotch asked, no longer in the bathroom, but now changed a maroon T-shirt and black shorts. "Yeah,  she would've been out publicly, their relationship would be public too." 

Prentiss turned around and saw Hotch in his night clothes, which was something she had never seen before, it seemed weird seeing him with something other than suit on. She then noticed his dripping hair, the same color as hers. He looks so sexy! Prentiss thought to herself. "Hotch I think..." Emily decided not to finish her sentence. "Emily, call me Aaron." He replied. "Aaron" Prentiss repeated, smiling, liking the sound of his first name instead of his shortened last name.

She walked towards him, and they pressed their lips together, it was a random act, but Emily couldn't help it. Their second kiss was more powerful, the momentum making her fall backwards taking Hotch with her, she tried to keep her balance until she fell onto the bed, Hotch falling ontop of her.

Maybe an hour later, they heard a knock on the door. "Aaron, it's me" Rossi said from the other side of the door. "One minute Dave!" Hotch responded back, adrenaline pumped through both of them, they were gonna get caught! Prentiss leaped out of the bed, and almost in one step was in the bathroom. She quietly left the door cracked open,and  Hotch went to the door and let Rossi in. "You want to talk about yesterday? You know, with Jack and everything." Rossi was always a person that liked helping others, but clearly not at the right times. "No not right now Dave." Aaron started walking towards the door to let Rossi out. 

"Whew close call!" Prentiss said, stepping out of the bathroom, a big smile on her face at the excitement of the intruder, or more like visitor. 


I genuinely try to get these to as many words as I can, but I'm in school rn so I couldn't do much with this chapter, I'll try working on it again maybe another time :)

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