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"What's your name" Sylvia asked, grabbing a pair of scissors, letting her fingers brush along the sharp edges. "Emily..." Prentiss was starting to become unconscious again, her eyes slowly shutting like they had the night before. Sylvia must have really knocked her down. "Okay Emily." She quickly used the scissors to cut a square in Prentiss's shirt, and stepped away with satisfaction at her work.

Emily was now exposed, and felt uncomfortable. It was already starting and she knew that there was no way of getting out, nothing she could say, nothing she could do. All she could hope is that the team would get here in time, it was too unlikely. She tried to break out but the restraints, but couldn't. Sylvia moved her head near Emily's ear. "I wouldn't try to move that much. The other girls did, it didn't work out so well." Emily gasped, this was her fate, she couldn't do anything about it. She remembered that Sylvia most likely thrived on the fear of her victims, if Emily didn't show any fear, Sylvia would be caught off guard, and maybe the team would be able to find Sylvia easier.

2 black SUV's were now on the street Sylvia lives on. "Which one is hers, Reid we gotta look." Morgan and Reid were in the same car, looking for the house. "1873, Right there!" Reid exclaimed. His finger hitting the window as he pointed to a light blue house, kind of broken down but in a way that fit with the neighborhood. They pulled into the driveway, the other SUV followed. 

Sylvia made a shallow square with the knife in Emily's skin. Emily quietly yelped due to the pain, this was only the best of the pain, a lot was about to hurt and she was prepared to pass out from the pain. Right before she would pass out, it would probably be the last time she was ever conscious, and the thought was slowly settling in. "ok, we're ready the go further." Sylvia said, wiping off the blood on Prentiss's chest. A sick smile on her face and she prepared the knife further. Just as Sylvia lined up the knife, she heard something crash in her house "FBI" Prentiss recognized that it was Morgan's voice, and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"NO!" Sylvia yelled in panic. She dropped the knife on the floor, which impaired her foot. "NO!" Sylvia yelped once more, but with more pain in her voice. She really was a mess when panicked, and the team was easily able to contain the crazy killer. Hotch walked into the room to let Prentiss free and out of the restraints that were bothering her. After seeing that her clothes were ripped though, he took off his FBI vest for Emily to wear until medics came. He panicked looking at all the blood pouring out of the cuts, she would be okay, he thought. "Aaron" She said, with a relief in her voice. "Emily, stay strong, keep breathing." Prentiss didn't even notice that she wasn't breathing, or that she felt tired. Her eyes started shutting and everything seemed to get blurry. It seemed like she was always fighting to keep her eyes open. "I'm glad you're here." She mumbled. Truly, she was glad he would be the last thing she'd see. There were so many times he made her laugh, made her cry. He meant the world to her, she never had anyone like him in her shitty life, and she was glad he was there for the end.

"Emily don't give up right now." Emily had to focus on his voice, and tried to keep her eyes open. She had accepted her fate, but she wasn't one to give up immediately. "I love you." She whispered into his ear, then everything went black.

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