Feeling The Love

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Fenton's Point Of View
It was the middle of night when I woke up, noticing Elliot wasn't curled up beside me but rather at his desk, sketching away to his heart's content.

Elliot always looked so cute when he was focusing on his designs but what worried me the most was his facial expression.

It wasn't the frequent one he had while he was doing his work, happy and upbeat but rather he was sad and frustrated as he crumbled it up and threw the paper in the bin next to the desk.

Slowly but silently, I got out of the bed and got closer to him and hearing his quiet sobs broke my heart.

Elliot always cheered me up no matter what the issue was whither it be with a kiss or even a hug.

So, being the supportive boyfriend that I am to him, tried to help Elliot out by quickly wrapping my arms around him and brought him back to bed.

Elliot tried to squirm out of my grip as I set him down so if he needed to, Elliot could have a little chat with me.

He took off his glasses and just flung himself onto me, tightly hugging me as his cries became a little bit louder.

Rubbing his back whilst listening to his pain was hard to listen each time Elliot got sad. I hated hearing his heart break with each tear rolling down his cheeks.

Me: "Shh Cariño, I'm here please tell me what's going on?"

He barely responded for a while, just gripping onto me tightly like I was about to disappear from his life before showing me his phone, not saying a word.

I immediately went into over protective boyfriend mode once I saw what was wrong, rubbing his back as I kissed his forehead as I noticed him silently staring at me.

Apparently someone online decided to critic Elliot but not in a positive way, I'm talking about trying to force everyone that their opinion was the right one.

Elliot was known to be handle a situation, no matter how big the issue was but once he was behind closed doors, Elliot always broke down thinking he was pathetic or how he wasn't good enough.

After a while he managed to stop crying and just cling onto me in silence for a while, smiling up at me as I gave him another kiss as Elliot kissed back as my mind flipped backwards.

Elliot: "Thank you"

Me: "For what Cariño?"

Elliot: "......For being there for me and being the best boyfriend ever"

I was astonished before holding him tightly again, hearing him chuckle as my mind had a sudden burst of energy as I took his hand and led him down the stairs of the mansion, trying to stay quiet for the sake of Mr. McDuck.

Elliot: *Quietly* "What are we doing?!"

Me: "Having a little midnight snack that will scientifically cure your blues and cure my hunger!"

Elliot sniggered as we snuck into the kitchen and had a mini party in the middle of the night, falling asleep on the couch holding each other close as we both fell into a peaceful sleep.

The Next Morning

Scrooge McDuck and Mrs Beakly were met with an unexpected sight.

Huey, Webby, Dewey and Louie shushing each other as they take photos in front of the couch.

Confused he goes over to the kids to take a look....and instantly chuckles.

Elliot, with a smile on his face, was asleep on a snoring Fenton's chest with a blanket covering the both of them, holding hands as the kids kept Webby from squealing loudly.

Mrs Beakly ushers the kids away from the pair as Scrooge simply smiles, walking away to enjoy some peace and quiet whilst enjoying breakfast.

Ducktales 2017: I Love You, My Hero Of DuckbergWhere stories live. Discover now