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"Grandpa called. He said the renovations are wrapping up." Tohru informed Kenshin and Shigure as they sat in the living room.

"They work surprisingly fast." Shigure commented, and it was true Kenshin didn't think renovations could be completed so quickly, but yet again, he didn't know how long the house had been under renovation.

"Yes. The exterior walls aren't done, but most of the work's complete, so it's ready to live in. Grandpa said I could come back, so..." She spoke sadly, her words drifting into silence.

Kenshin began to wonder if she was treated well by her grandfather since she didn't seem excited to go back.

"Uh! Oh, no! I forgot! I haven't started cooking!" The girl said suddenly, unintentionally changing the subject.

"We can scrounge something up. Or better yet, why don't we just go out to eat instead?" Shigure told her kindly, not wanting Tohru to worry about something like food when she had just gotten news from her grandfather.

"It'll be fine. I already have all the ingredients I need." She informed him as she slid the kitchen door shut, leaving them all in silence.

Kenshin turned toward Shigure, "Do you think she has a good relationship with her grandfather?"

"Hmm, what do you mean?"

"Do you think he treats her good or horribly?"

"Don't tell me you're worried about her." The man asked with an amused glint in his eyes, and Kenshin gave him an irritated one in return. He knew Shigure well enough to know when he was up to no good, and his comment seemed to have gotten his attention.

Kenshin let out an annoyed huff, "Of course, I'm not worried about her. I just think that no kid should live in a place where they don't want to be."

"Does she remind you of someone in particular?" Shigure asked coyly, a smirk on his face.

"No." He responded, standing from the floor and heading outside.

Shigure stared after the young man letting out a small chuckle, "Your kind heart never ceases to amaze me, particularly since you know how heartless the world can be." The man whispered. 

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Later that week before Tohru departed for her grandfather's house, they all sat at the table, excluding Kyo, who had gone off to brood somewhere else.

"There's some leftover salted fish in the fridge. It'll go bad before too long. You'll probably wanna pick up soy sauce at the store soon. Oh, and garbage day changed recently, so keep that in mind. What else?" Tohru said as she explained everything that had to be done and what food they had left, "Um... Right. Here, this is my grandfather's address. I'll leave it with you just in case."

"I guess tomorrow's the big day. You've done so much for us, thank you." Shigure told her as sincerely as he could.

"No! Thank you! And I promise you can trust me. I'll take the Sohma family secret to my grave." She promised them, wanting to reassure them.

"You'll enjoy being home again, won't you?" Kenshin asked the girl, worried she would be mistreated.

"Oh, yes. I'll settle back in just fine!" She declared, but Kenshin could hear some doubt in her voice that didn't help her case.

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask." He said, giving Tohru a smile.

"Thank you! Well, I should go pack up my room and get ready for moving day." She said as she got up, and her soft footsteps left the room.

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