Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I wake up in Zach’s arms. I just stare at him and watch him sleep. He opens his eyes and he smiles. “Good Morning.” He says. And kisses me. His soft pink lips against mine makes me fell unbelievable. “Time to get up and get ready fro school.” Yelled Zach’s mom. I didn’t bring any clothes with me. I pointed out. “It’s fine where some of mine.” Zach says. “Jockish is not my style.” I laugh. “Today it is babe.” He says and heads to the bathroom. I open his closet and try to find something to wear. I see an old tee, plaid, and ripped jeans. Perfect I thought. I get dressed and wait for him to come out of the bathroom. “Well you look hipster.” He says and walks towards his closet. “Is that a good thing?” I ask. “You look hot.” He winked. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. “Hi Max.” Says Maya. “Hey.” I respond. “If you want privacy, kick her out.” Zach yells. “She’s fine.” I responded hatefully. “Why can’t you be more like my brother? Nice and funny.” She asked. “Because I’m cooler.” I responded. “Got that right!” She smiles and walks out. “Great now you are taking over my sister.” Zach says bitter. “You’re welcome.” I smile and pat his cheek. He grabs my hand and we head downstairs to sit at the table. “Good morning Max.” Says Cheryl. “Good morning.” I responded. “Max, I would like to apologize for what I said to you. I had no right. And I’m sorry. It’s going to be a hard time to accept it. But god loves all his children, and I should too. So you are welcome here in our house, and the church.” Said Zach’s dad and smiles. Zach turns to him and his jaw drops from what he just said. “Thank you.” I responded. “Great, you are wining over my parents too.” Zach says and rolls his eyes.

We finish up breakfast and head for school. “I have to pick up Carmen.” I said. “We are all walking in together?” He asked. “All together.” I smiled. We got to Carmen’s house and she hops into the back. “So are we all doing this?” She asked. “All of us.” I responded. “Oh, this is going to be such a harsh day.” She says dramatically. “Just ignore them. If they know they can’t get to you then they will stop.” Zach says. “I have one more person we should bring into this.” Says Carmen. “Who?” I ask. “My girlfriend. She will wait by the door for us.” “Who’s your girlfriend?” I and Zach asked at the same time. “You’ll soon find out my friends.” She smiles. Things are going through my head so fast. Having doubts, and thoughts. We got to the school and got out. We walk up to the door and see Gretchen. “Wait, Gretchen is your girlfriend?” Zack asked. “You two are dating?” She looked at me and Max. We all start to laugh. “Let’s just do this before Max has a panic attack.” Carmen says. Carmen and Gretchen grab each others hands and I and Zach hold each others hands. We open the doors and walk in. People turn to stare. We all look at each other and Smile. People start to laugh and whisper. “What the hell is this?” Asked Andrew. “Seriously? You all are dating?” Asked Trevor. “Oh this is hilarious. Laughed Alyssa and Andrew.” “Fags.” Said Andrew. And walked away. Alyssa starts laughing and then walks away. Trevor stares at Zach and Gretchen then walks away. Carmen and Gretchen walk to their lockers. “I’ll see you second period.” Zach whispers into my ear and kisses me. I walk to my locker and head to first period. I sit there in my seat and got a text from Zach. “Is everything going ok?” He asked. “It’s all good.” I responded. I lay my head down and hear the people talk behind my back. I just ignore them and do my worksheet. The phone starts to ring and the teacher answers.  “Max, Mrs. Larson needs to see you.” He said. I got up, grabbed my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I walked into her office and see my mom sitting there. “You guys need to talk.” Demands Cheryl. She walks out and closes the door. “Are you going to come live with me?” Asked mom. “I like it here mom. And if you think for one second that I forgive you for what you did, you are wrong about that one.” I responded. “I know, but I need you.” She replies. “You still have me mom. I’m not going anywhere. I promise you that.” I say. “I know, but you need to come live with me not living with your boyfriend.” She says and smiles. “Stop, don’t say that word.” I say awkwardly. “I know you guys are a couple, and that’s ok. Trust me.” She smiles. I start to blush. “Aw, see you like him.” She says in excitement. “Stop!” I shout. “Ok, I do but still.” I added. “Fine, you can live with him. I know Cheryl wont care, but you are going to come see me once in awhile. Or I and your sister are going to come here sometimes. Ok? And after college me and your sister is moving to California. You are welcome to come.” She says. “California?” I stutter. What the hell is in California except hot guys? I asked myself. “Yes, California. Your grandma has a house out there that his been sitting there empty in Beverly Hills.” She responds. I look down at the ground. “Hey,” she says and grabs my hand. “You are my son and I love you. But if you don’t want to go you don’t have to. Cheryl told me that you don’t know what to go for in college and you don’t know where. It’s just an option.” She smiles. “Now come give me a hug because I have to go to work.” She smiles. “I love you.” I say. And start to cry. “I love you to sweetie.” She starts to cry. “Thank you for being a father figure for your sister. I appreciate it. It takes a lot to do that.” She smiles and kisses my cheek. I smile. The bell rings. “You better get to class.” She says. I grab my stuff and walked out. I walk in the hallway and people are staring still. I guess they are still in shock. Carmen comes up and says “Hey cutie.” Hey.” I say. “What’s wrong? You have tears in your eyes.” She asks. “My mom’s alive.” I responded. She stops me in the hallway. “What?” She asked. “Yeah, and I knocked my dad out yesterday while my mom was there, including my sister and Zach’s mom.” I responded. “Oh my god. That is such a plot twist in your life sweetie.” She says and I start to laugh. “If you need anything I’m here. But I don’t think you’ll need me since you have a boyfriend now.” She smiles and kisses my cheek and walks to class. I walk into trig and people start to laugh. And say faggot. “Shut the hell up. Seriously.” Zach says while walking in. “You know I had that.” I smile. “Sure you did.” He winked. I sit down and he sits across from me. There is something about him that gets to me. I thought. The bell rings and the teacher walks in. “Alright students take your seats the pop quiz is about to begin. It is 3 pages front and back. So for some it may take all class. So when you are finished no talking.” Says Mr. Yields. He handouts the papers and tells everyone to be quiet again. I look at the paper and I just stare in a blank space. I have no idea what we learned that past week. I do not know anything on this test. This is wonderful. Just wonderful. I thought. This is going to be the first test I’m going to fail. Screw this. I can bring it up. I’ll just guess. It is multiple choices, so I have a 50/50 chance. I start guessing at the paper. Then after I finish I look up and see I’m the first one done. Well I’m a fast guesser. I thought. I walk up and lay the paper on Mr. Yield’s desk and go back to mine. People stare at me while walking back. I just roll my eyes. I laid my head down and waited for the bell to ring.

The bell rings and everyone walks out including Mr. Yields. I gather my stuff and Zach Turns me around and kisses me. I was stunned. “I thought you left?” I laughed while gathering the rest of my stuff. “I had to come back for you.” He smiled and kissed me again. “Let’s go to chemistry before we get in trouble.” I laugh and grab his hand. We walk to chemistry together and sat down. People stared at us in the hallway. They will be over it here soon. I thought in my head. Mr. King walks in and tells everyone to sit down. “Today you guys are going to write a page paper telling me what you have learned so far or what you are doing on the project. It is due at the end of class so get to it.” He says and sat down. I and Zach look at each other frightened. He started to laugh. “Don’t worry; I’m good at making stuff up.” Zach says and starts writing. We better get a good grade on this. I said and watched him write. I look at the paper and it says, “Physical and Chemical changes are a lot like the real life. People change and so does science.” He actually has a good start. I thought. I look at him while he is writing. He looks so cute when he concentrates on something. He turns his head, looks at me and smiles. I began thinking about college wondering what I want to do. Where I want to go, where my future leads and so forth. I haven’t even thought about what I wanted to do. No where I want to go. I don’t want to stay here, that is for sure. There is nothing here. “Finished.” He says.” Let me read it. I responded. “Nope, not until it is graded.” He smiles. He gets up and heads to Mr. Kings desk. “I wanted to read that.” I said. “You’ll get to read it after it is graded.” He smiled and touched my nose. The bell rings and everyone gets up. “Ready for lunch?” He asked. “Yeah, but I have to go to my locker first to drop off my stuff.” “Alright. I’ll meet you at your locker then.” He responds. I went to my locker and dropped off my stuff. “Hey, you ready for lunch?” Asked Carmen. “Yeah, we just have to wait for Zach.” I responded. “I so did not see him being gay.” Said Gretchen. “Trust me, I didn’t either until he kissed me.” I laughed.  “You guys ready?” Zach says while walking towards my locker. I nod my head and He grabs my hand we all started walking to the lunch room. “So is this where you don’t sit with the group anymore?” Asked Gretchen. “You guys are my group now.” Zach smiled. “Well, Mr. Jock turned into Mr. Nice guy. Good job Max.” Laughed Gretchen. Everyone started to laugh. We got out food and sat down at one our table. “They are talking about us over there.” Said Gretchen. “Just ignore them.” Responded Zach. We all should hangout sometime. Said Carmen. I agree. I smiled. “Faggots.” Coughed Andrew and Alyssa while they walked by.  My face starts to turn red. “Max, don’t do it. I know what you are thinking. Just breathe.” Says Carmen. I put my hand in a pist. “Max, it’s ok. Everything is fine.” Zach said while he grabbed my hand. I release my pist. “That was a close one.” Laughed Carmen. “How’d you guys know what to do?” Asked Gretchen. “I known him for a long time. That’s why. But I don’t know how Zach did it.” Said Carmen. “I just knew how to calm him down.” Smiled Zach. The bell rings and the cafeteria turn into a brawl of people it seems like. “I’ll see you after school. Ok?” Said Zach and kissed me. “See you later.” I responded.

I threw my tray away and head to my fourth period.

Authors message: Hello my beautiful love bugs, if you are loving this book so far, please give it a comment and a vote! thanks xoxo (: 

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