Brawn over Brains

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Alright! Here is another Crush x Reader! Y'all fuckin freaks. Give me a damn anime character or sumth fucking christ (jk ur all funny). Someone was "wapping" super hard for it so here it is! Some backstory, this takes place in the actual in a world that's where "gladiators" (not rlly gladiators) still exist and you're the only person (Crushes/Name) is afraid to fight. After losing to you more then once she took it upon herself to make sure you lose... yourself.

(Subby bitches)
FDom!Strong!Crush x MSub!Smaller!Reader
TW: Kidnapping, pegging, rough sex, a blowjob, praising, degrading, Mistress kink.
(Requested by anon)


So hungry... So cold... What the fuck?

I wake up, dizzy and dazed. Where the hell am I? I lunge forward trying to get of the chair I woke up in. That's around when I realize that I'm tied to it.

"Fuck..." The feeling of my breath leaving my mouth made me realize how thirsty I am.

My stomach is growling, my mouth is aching for water, and worst of all my head is throbbing.

Suddenly the door creaks open... Slowly, and creepily. The sound of footsteps echo after a few seconds of silence, putting a tiny bit of fear in my heart. The footsteps grow closer and closer the anticipation of seeing the face of my kidnapper killing me with each tap.

Oh fuck oh fuck this is where it ends...

The person finally comes into view... C/N?!

"C/N? What the fuck?!" My hoarse voice echoes through the damp room.

"Yes, Y/N?" The false innocents in her voice sends a shiver down my spine.

How can someone who has glasses and a crown be so intimidating? There's something else that I just know, but I am too afraid to admit. To be honest, ever since I first started dueling with this woman I have had feelings. Of course, it would be foolish to confess or talk about these feelings to her. We are "enemies" after all. Now she has me chained to a chair in some dark and dank room.

"Why am I here?" I ask her.

"Well it's mostly cause this would be one of the opportunities I get to win."

"That's why I'm here? Cause you wanted to win?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"This is so unfair!" I say struggling against the chains, she laughs in response.

"What's so fucking funny?!"

She gets so close to my face that our noses are touching.

"It's so cute when you struggle." C/N whispers making me squeeze my thighs together in embarrassment. I look away from her, blushing. Why has she always had this effect on me? It's a miracle how I've won all of our fights.

"What? Don't tell me you're getting shy." Chuckling, she backs away and holds a piece of what looks like baked potato in front of me. It reminds me of how hungry I am, making my stomach growl.

"Eat, it will make you feel better."

I groan in response as she feeds me the food. This has got to be one of the most humbling experiences of my life, but its also kind of cute in a weird way. Once I finished, she rubbed the corner of my mouth sweetly while smiling. She quickly realizes what she's doing and immediately stops.

"Ahem... Anyways, I hope you know that you are the only person that I have yet to win against."

"I know that, so why did you have to kidnap me?"

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