Prom Night II

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A/N: TW ⚠️ This chapter contains physical and verbal abuse, blood, gore and death ⚠️ Reader discretion is advised

The rapid sting on her wrists from his tough and tightening grip as he dragged her from the kitchen to the living room kicking a screaming was still felt, the slow colour of purple that almost resembled her dress appearing on her olive skin as her deep chestnut eyes filled with Crystal clear tears, and her shallow breaths were the only noise heard through her trembling as she watched her vengeful abusive ex menacingly pace up and down her living room.

Her forehead was drenched with sweat, her heart thumping against her rib cage as the terror filled that raced through her mind spiked her fear by the second. What was he doing here? What did he intend to do with her after all these years?

"You're ever so quiet, mi a more." Hiram sinisterly teased. "What's the matter? Lost for words?"

Lost for words wasn't even the half of it. She was frozen beyond belief, traumatised, in an unhealthy state of shock and panic.

"How did you find me?" Hermione finally mustered up the courage to ask, her question coming out in a nerve wrecking falter.

Just as he was about oblige her, the familiar sound of her ringtone blares through the downstairs area of the house from the kitchen, sparking her fight or flight response.

Her dilated pupils darted over to the root of the noise, before abruptly rising from the couch and making a horrified beeline from the couch, panting out heavy harrowing gasps as she ran for her life, but a minacious Hiram was right on her trail, his grievous steps across the acre hardwood floors echoing through the halls and the domineering thuds denoting his vicious rage. Not even the fallen couch side chest Hermione had pushed over in his path was enough to stop him.

The second she reached the kitchen island, she grabbed her phone in a heartbeat, clutching the device for dear life and catching Alice's name on the called ID before swiping the green button.

"Hello?" Alice nonchalantly greeted, totally oblivious to the danger occurring on the other line.

"Alice!" Hermione breathily cried out in hysteria. "HELP ME! I'M-"

"Give me that, you bitch!" Hiram spat out in a hiss as he approached her from behind, covering her mouth with one hand and reaching for the phone with the other.

However, even as she was silenced and in a state of fear, she refused to give into him, keeping a hold of the device and keeping the call going for as long as possible.

His grunts became more aggressive as each of them struggled to gain the upper hand, until he took it upon himself to squeeze her wrist and hand bright red, forcing her yelp out in pain and unwillingly let go as he tried to pry the phone out of her hand.

The second he got it into his grip and out of hers, he violently elbowed her in the face, watching heartlessly as she fell against the pantry cupboard wincing in pain.

Hiram curled his lip into a devious smirk as he saw Alice's name across the screen and placed the phone to his ear.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise. Long time no see huh?" Hiram chillingly provoked, his tone laced with a ill-omened agenda, sending Alice into a freeze like state.

"Oh, don't tell me you've lost function of your mouth." He patronised. "You never seemed to have a problem with that from what I can remember."

The taunting was giving him some sort of sick egotistical thrill.

"Tell you what? How about you come on down here, and join the party? I'm sure we've got lots to catch up on."

Alice's blood ran ice cold the second the dial tone rung through her ears. Her lips parted like the Red Sea and eyes widened like saucers in ultimate terror as she struggled to breathe adequately.

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