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fuck. fuck. fuck. that's all that ran through Schlatt's head. there sat him, the once boss and leader of the Lunch Club mafia, sitting on the broken down grass staring out into the maze of nothingness. right now, he felt like he was floating through space. it felt like a joke. a sick, twisted joke. all he felt was pain as he seemingly floated there. tears violently ran down his cheeks as he sat there. Schlatt tried. he shouldn't have left Travis's sight. he shouldn't have. why was he so stupid? why did Schlatt have to be so fucking stupid? a soft breeze pushed through the forest, causing the sound of leaves hitting each other to fill his ears. Schlatt's dark brown hair blew in the wind, his blazer slightly shifting as the breeze hit him. it's the only thing that pulled him to reality.

Schlatt pushed himself up from the ground, staring down at the mess he's made of himself. he looked horrified at himself. broken breaths left his mouth as he closed his eyes. the feeling of anger and sadness just bumped through him like a drug. how could he do this. why did Schlatt have to be such a FUCKING FAILURE? the sounds of his boots hitting the ground were soft and slow. his movements were dragged out. it seemed like years before he reached the door of the house. slowly looking up, his dark brown eyes stared into the now empty house. the shine of the spray paint can seem to catch Schlatts attention. walking over to it, the boy then sprayed a smiley face on the ground. a small chuckle came from him. it was something that always filled Schlatt with some kind of joy.

"it'll be okay." Schlatt said to himself. he remembered when Charlie said that to him. the smile that was on his face as he cared for Schlatt. it made his heart hurt. they were more than comrades... no. they were his family. the family he formed. the family he wanted to keep. a sigh came from him as he heard a noise from inside the house. no reaction seemed to come from him. dropping the can of spray paint, Schlatt grabbed a knife. at this point, he didn't mind if he was taken. he didn't want to deal with the pain he was going through. soft footsteps were heard from both parties. Schlatts heavy platforms hit the tilted floor, leaving a small trail of paint from the freshly sprayed smile. a knife was held rather quick in his hand. normally, his horns would be out. they'd be poking his cheeks as he gave a grin but they weren't. Schlatt had a neutral look. he didn't want to deal with anything right now. slowly stopping, he hid behind a wall as he held his breath. the sound of footsteps grew louder and some chatter grew. Schlatt could only pick out a few accents, but nothing sounded like people he knew.

that's when his fight kicked in. he didn't want it to, but his body told him otherwise. the horns finally grew, curling around and poking his cheeks. a grin plastered across his face as Schlatt finally jumped out. the moment he had before he had to move, he noticed they were all gunmen. great. Schlatt hated having to deal with gunmen. a slight chuckle came from him as he started to dodge bullets, the sound of guns going off filled his ears. he felt alive for the first time in a few days. slashes were made and a few dropped only to cry out in pain. that's when Schlatt grabbed a gun. loading it, he pointed it at the final one standing. it was a group of three. the leader, one with a gun pointing towards him, had brown fluffy hair poking out from the hood he wore. the sweater he wore was yellow. Schlatt grunted. his two little members had fluffy blonde hair while the other had brown hair. they seemed rather young. but their faces were hidden... too much for Schlatt to see.

"who are you?" Schlatt asked, pointing the gun a bit more forward. his dark brown eyes stared at the leader. his own black, ripped suit shifted a bit as his arms got a bit more into position. the other laughed quietly. "well Schlatt, we are the ones who destroyed your team. the ones who tore it.. one by one.. away from your grimy hands." he explained. Schlatt could only cringe at the words. this was the one. the one who ripped away his family. friends. comrades. the ones he needed to kill. Schlatt wanted to see them bleed out on the floor. "why?" was all he could ask. if Schlatt lost this battle, he wanted to know why. why was everything ripped away from him? the other laughed. "to see you buckle down. see you suffer while we grow."

those words repeated through his head. Schlatt starred as horror filled his face. well.... what a great way to end what he built up. Schlatt dropped the gun, staring. but he reached in his blazer for a pocket knife. his dark brown eyes kept in contact with the others' similar eyes. Schlatt wanted to win. he wanted to see the other suffer. he took away what he built. Schlatt needed to win. he wanted to make his comrades proud. "fuck you." was all he said. charging at the other, Schlatt tackled them. a grunt was heard as Schlatt pushed them down. the knife was held high. "fuck you for ruining my fucking family." Schlatt screamed. but before the knife could go down, right into the chest, a gun was set off. silence filled the air. the faint sounds of metal hitting the ground before the sound of footsteps running grew quieter and quieter ruined what was just heard.

Schlatt's body hit the ground with a force. his dark brown eyes stared up at the ceiling as he laid there. the knife that was once in his hand had fallen somewhere near. he didn't feel like finding it. tears threatened his eyes as he laid there, a hand being placed over his chest where the bullet had gone through. a wheeze left him, followed by a cough. Schlatt couldn't help but start to sob. the sound of a door being slammed shut filled his ears before it all fell silent. no one was there to pick him up, help him, save him. he was all alone. his dark brown hair fell into his face as a sob left his mouth. the hand placed on his chest gripped his white button up. "i failed." he whispered. "i failed you guys." Schlatt said. he just wanted them to be there. taking in a deep breath, another wheeze left him. a cough followed by but instead he spit out blood. it was his time. maybe he'll meet his family wherever he is going next.

"it'll be okay." Schlatt whispered to himself. "i'll meet you guys again soon."

"its time to kill, boys!" - lunch club mafia.Where stories live. Discover now