Chapter 6

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Late May 2043

Towards the end of Spring, it seemed as if the drought was going to miraculously break. Four straight days of blessed rain had fallen on most of the American Plains and New Caprica. Never had President Costanza seen people celebrate as much over water coming down on them. He had even gone outside to feel its coolness.

But it was almost as bad as a mirage.

The fifth day the rain stopped. It had perked up some crops and plants temporarily but the crops, plants, and hopes soon withered after that. That brief euphoria was replaced by spirit's that were swooning even lower when it was realized that it had only been a passing thing.

Hotdog was out in San Diego meeting with Admiral Hoshi on the situation. Caprica and Gaius had come along and actually drove the Raptor from Sioux City to Southern California. His security detail wouldn't allow him to pilot the bird as if they crashed the Raptor instead of him would assuage their conscience, he thought wryly.

The meeting, like most, wasn't pleasant. Hoshi felt somewhat guilty living in this virtual Paradise and his office in the UED Headquarters on Point Loma overlooking the Pacific Ocean. He knew how it must look to his three visitors.

"I talked with President Jackson last week", Caprica informed Hoshi, "as well as Governor Parmalee of Mississippi and they assure me that both the U.S Congress and the Mississippi Legislature will approve the second water pipeline and desalination plants from West of Gulfport to Sioux City and another one to Topeka." He knew it wouldn't break the drought but he hoped the news would buoy his visitors at least a little.

"I'll send my thanks to the President and Governor when I get back to Sioux City", President Costanza offered. "I know it's more of a gesture right now but it will create some jobs and it will at least show people that we and the U.S are trying to find anything to alleviate this mess."

"Hope is a powerful thing, Mr. President", Gaius Baltar intoned with more sureness than he felt. "It can't end the drought as you said but it can help people see that there might be light at the end of the tunnel."

"A light or a freight train", mused Caprica. "Again, I'm not complaining, to be honest, Admiral Hoshi. But this along with the attacks going at you day after day can fray your nerves and your soul."

"I'm not going to give you grief for saying that, Caprica. I was thinking how guilty I feel looking out every day and seeing all this water. I'm a Caprican; I'm hurting for our people. I want both these plagues to end."

"That will require water, Louis, in great quantities", Hotdog said looking out over the Pacific Ocean. "What's the old Earth saying? 'Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink'? They got that one right."

"At least the bombings have slowed to a trickle. Wonder what caused that?", Gaius said with genuine puzzlement.

"Probably supply problems", his wife offered. "Maybe their flow of weapons was slowed down or somehow cut off. Again, without knowing who the hell these people are we can't be sure."

"Let's hope it stays that way, guys", Hoshi mused. "I wouldn't be upset. But I'm not counting on that happening."

"Neither am I, Louis", said the President. "But it can't hurt to pray in that direction."


Lieutenant Tia "Fantasma" Morilio had become a well-respected, well-liked member of the 20th in the short time she had been there. She had gained a reputation for being a great instinctive pilot and was trusted by her fellow jocks. She had earned high praise not long ago for her rescue of two pilots from the 37th and five Marines in a training exercise in the Gulf Of Mexico. That Raptor had encountered a catastrophic engine failure and had crashed into the sea. Tia's Raptor was the first one on the scene, and they were able to rescue four of the seven aboard that bird. Unfortunately, the pilot and two Marines had perished. It had shaken her but she had kept her cool.

Part 1 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Of Droughts And GrudgesWhere stories live. Discover now