Chapter 17

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11:55 AM

Hoshi and Justin Bond, along with two UED troopers, had appropriated a Chevy Malibu from the dealership and headed out onto the streets. Hoshi had also grabbed a hand-held radio from the Hummer back at the parking lot so they could follow the chase. A UED Ensign named Joby Price, who was from Sioux City was at the wheel, and Hoshi knew he could get them where they needed to go.

"Sirs, I'm going to head East on Highway One and then wait at the intersection with the National Freeway. I think I know what she might be doing", he said as he accelerated the vehicle.

"For now, Ensign, you're in charge, so we're trusting you", Hoshi said evenly.


Just before 6th Street turned into Fairmount St and turned South, Seelix turned South on The Business District spur of the New Caprican National Highway and gunned the accelerator again.


"Admiral, here she comes", the Ensign said looking North and spying the red Chevy truck headed South. "Even money she turns onto Highway 1 and then tries to get to the National Highway."

The Ensign was right; Seelix took the exit onto Highway 1 and headed Eastbound. The only question for the Ensign now was which way she would go once she reached the National Highway.


Karl and Athena were about a half mile in the rear of the red Chevy, as they had drifted a little North up by 11th Street. Two other Raptors were East of their Position, and Hera's bird was about a mile South of them astride the National Highway. At least a dozen police and military vehicles were trying to converge on the area as well.


12:06 PM

Noel Alison had fled the area when he lost contact with Seelix. He had stashed the rifle that had been under his coat in a large trash container at the hotel where he had been stationed. He then headed North, his vehicle parked at the Sioux City Public Library. By listening to the wail of sirens, it sounded like the law was moving towards the East, in almost the opposite direction in which he was headed. He nodded slightly in approval.

He had put his cap back on when he went outside but was still sweating mightily from the tension that had gripped him inside the hotel. He had been furious when the Raptor had blocked his line of sight, but nothing could be done about that. He had walked about five-hundred hundred feet when he briefly took his cap off to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He put it back on and continued towards the Library.


That morning, the police and military had been issued faxes showing the old photographs of Diana Seelix and Noel Alison, along with the aliases they were believed to be using. An SCPD Officer was at 4th and Douglas Street, helping to usher frightened citizens out of the area. He happened to look to his right and saw a man take his cap off and wipe his forehead, which he thought was quite unusual in this fifteen-degree weather. He instantly stopped. That face looks damned familiar, the officer said to himself, but couldn't place it right away. After a few seconds, as the man continued North on Douglas, it hit him: The goddamn APB!

The man was obviously older but the officer had studied the face that morning and now concentrated on his features: eyes, mouth, face, height. Yeah, he fit the description, or at least in the ballpark enough to warrant attention. The officer depressed the button that activated his microphone and called it in.

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