Chapter 19

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1:30 PM Central Time, Battlestar William Adama

Admiral Lee Adama had his Raptors and Falcons running space rescue drills at that moment. He didn't have fond memories from years back, floating in space after ejecting from his mortally wounded Viper and nearly dying alone in The Void. He took such drills very seriously, even though they weren't a mandatory part of his proving run.

"Adama Actual, Raptor 2383, we have the simulated pilot aboard our ship, and returning to base."

"Good work, Snicker, you captured the target well within the allocated time frame, come on home." The Admiral smiled at his XO, Hideki Torojo, who grinned back.

"The jocks were right on the money today, Boss", the XO said with satisfaction. "Every one of 'em beat the clock."

"And that's how we do it, ladies and gentlemen", Lee smiled while looking around CIC.

He was getting ready to log in the time the drill ended when communications spoke up. "Admiral, I'm receiving a Priority One, Code Red from UED."

That silenced the room quickly. "Code Red", Dick Torojo whistled. "Something's up, Lee."

"In your ready room, sir?", communications asked.

"No, let me open it here." The information came up on his computer terminal in a matter of seconds. It was from Galen Tyrol. Galen had talked to Hoshi immediately after Seelix had been apprehended and taken to the hospital. He had expected such a high-priority communication to be from Hoshi.

He scanned the message: Major terrorists attack in North America today, Lee. Saul and Ellen Tigh assassinated in Florida; Dr. Baltar's research facility at Iowa State blown up, bombing in Sioux City at the Tyson Events Center. Many dead, including President Costanza; Admiral Baltar in serious but stable condition with a gunshot wound; Justin Bond in critical condition with a broken left shoulder and a gunshot wound below his right collarbone. Hoshi on the scene in Sioux City. Did not want to tell Kara about her father in this manner. Hoshi orders rendezvous with the Roslin to inform her. Galen.

Lee wasted no time. "Dick, where's the Roslin at the moment?" His XO plotted the current coordinates of their sister ship. "OK, Dick, jump prep, course 255 mark 306."

"What's going on, boss?" He said with concern.

"Let me talk to the ship, and I'll explain it to everyone." A moment later he tapped the LED tab on his screen connecting him to every part of the ship.

"Attention crew of the Adama. This is the Admiral. I have just received word from Earth of a major terrorist attack in North America. The main attack was in Sioux City where President Costanza, President Bond, and Admiral Baltar were attending a unity rally. The arena was hit with multiple explosions. Reports are that there are dozens dead. I regret to inform you that New Caprican President Costanza died in the attack." That elicited some gasps in CIC. "We have orders to jump over to the Roslin where I will meet with Admiral Thrace-Bond. After I return from the Roslin, I will make more information available as we receive it. Adama out."

"We both being ordered home, Admiral?"

"No such orders at the moment, XO. The Churchill is in orbit above the planet, and the Anwar Sadat is scheduled to rotate back this week to swap out for new crew members."

"Why are we headed over to Kara, then?"

Lee looked at him and pivoted his computer screen towards his XO, with a look that clearly said, keep your mouth shut for a while about this.

Part 1 Battlestar Galactica: Back To The Colonies: Of Droughts And GrudgesWhere stories live. Discover now