Chapter 14

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9:00 AM, Offutt Air Force Base

"Offutt Approach, Raptor 1171, request landing instructions", Admiral Karl Agathon was driving the bird, with his daughter as his second-in-command. Athena was in the rear of the passenger area. General Pembers had requested that all three of them come to Offutt. Hera had to go on her flight duty for the day, but Pembers wanted to brief her parents' on the latest in the investigation.

"Raptor 1171, Offutt Approach, turn right course 163 mark 045, descend to Angels Three and follow beacon to landing port 14."

"Offutt Approach, 1171, right to course 163 mark 045, down to Angels three and follow the beacon, port 14." He could still drive a Raptor with the best of them.

After touchdown, all three were jeeped to Pembers' office. Hera had to leave them to grab her flight plan for the day, while the two of them sat down with the General.


9:05 AM, Sioux City

Xander Ukith and his top lieutenants with The Cain Mutiny were going over the plan for the rally one last time before departing their hideaway. There were about six key people that he trusted more than anyone, and they had been his inner circle as they ramped up their campaign against the New Caprican Government.

"I've just received word that our first operation of the day has been carried out successfully", which was met with nods around the table. "This one I didn't let anyone in on because it happened on American soil, and the fewer people who know what it is, the better. You'll all find out about it later today, I promise you."

"Everyone have their weapons with them?" Each had been given a new M4A1 rifle as well as a Sig Sauer P320 Compact Pistol. They all nodded in the affirmative. Tera and Xander had different weapons that they would use, which were in a secure location. "OK, that's good. We know where each of us will be once all hell breaks loose in the arena. We'll have every possible exit observed. If any of them get out alive from the arena, our job is to make sure they don't get much further."

"Fortunately for us, this is the coldest day we've had in a few years around here. Only supposed to be about 15 degrees when the rally begins, so we won't look out of the ordinary wearing these fuckin' huge overcoats", Tomas Sands said with a chuckle.

"All of you know your mission; you know our rendezvous point after the attack", Xander said, concluding the meeting "May the gods go with you."


9:55 AM, Sioux City.

President Costanza, President Bond, and Caprica climbed into the spacious 2042 Cadillac Limo that was almost identical to the Limousine that the President of The United States used. It was nearly indestructible; there were two of the Limos-one to carry the VIP's and the other as a decoy. The decoy would leave in a motorcade of the exact same size as the real motorcade but on a different route to the city. This was intended to throw off any would-be troublemakers.

They headed South on the National Freeway, formerly U.S. Route 75, then turned West on New Caprican Highway 1, which had once been U.S. Route 20, and headed towards Downtown Sioux City. Highway 1 would then run astride of Interstate 29 as they approached Downtown. The U.S. And New Caprican governments had agreed to allow the U.S. To keep its Interstates running through the small nation, and even continued to pay for their maintenance.

Once downtown, they turned right onto Pierce Street which ran right by the back of the arena. A cordon of Sioux City Police, New Caprican Home Guard, UED Marines and even some U.S. Marines were lined throughout the motorcade route in the downtown area. The public was kept away from the grounds of the arena unless they had a valid ticket for the event. But along Highway 1, under the watchful eye of police and military, citizens of New Caprica and also the United States lined the road to cheer for the three dignitaries.

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