The meeting

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Moving is hard but necessary in my case. I had bad luck in the last place I lived. Tomorrow I go to PK academy. I hope to make friends soon, I found it hard to talk to people.

" Honey get some things from the store."

Took about 10 minutes to walk to the store. Getting the list but it took a minute to find everything. My phone started to ring. Read it as my sister then answer it.

" sIssy hurry up, mom's hurt I-I" the phone call ends. It was for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity. I'm scared, is my mom ok? I need to go now. Rushed to the register, paid for my items and tried to run out. Bumping into someone by accident, fallen hard on my butt. The groceries fell on the floor. Immediately started to pick them up.The stranger I bumped into also helped. Feeling frustrated I started to cry, he looked into my eyes. He wiped my tears away with his thump and said.

"Are you okay?" He had purple hair and a kind face. Him asking only made me cry harder which was weird, because he also made me feel calm. He picks up the bags, and hands them to me. Continuing to cry with my sleeves wiping my tears. He holds the bags with one hand and helps me up with the other. We walk out of the store with me still crying. He stops looking at two people right next to us. A blond girl and a pink-haired boy. The girl whispered something in his ear. The boy and girl look at the purple hair stranger like he did something wrong.

Then it clicks in my head. That they're probably his friends. They think he made me cry or something. I don't want to make him look bad.

"I-I'm sorry!"I yelled and grabbed my bags and running away. When I got far enough away I stood and catch my breath. I remember why I was crying so I started walking home. Still thinking about the boy. Just thinking about him made me feel better. Like a peace that had came over me. It was a nice feeling cause I'm always stressed out since my last school. Cause I was cursed by someone.

I finally made it home after everything that just happened. Walked into the house, and hurried to put the bags of groceries on the table. Rushed to my mother's room, she was not there. Ran to my little sister's room to see that mom is fine.

"Sister, what happened to mom?" I said concerned but in disbelief.  

"She sprained her ankle." She said nonchalantly.

"Then why were you crying," I say upset.

"Oh, I was starting cramp sorry to worry you. My phone just died on 20% so couldn't call you back." I made a relieved face and walked to my room.Getting ready for tomorrow at PK academy looking at the uniform. Put the uniform on and walked into the living room to show it to my mom. Standing in front of her. 

  "Oh, it likes nice honey."As she shoos me away to watch her show.

"Awww, sissy you don't get my favorite snack." My sister yells from the kitchen. I walk in to see her roll out in her wheelchair.

"I'm sorry I thought mom was hurt so I rushed home." I talk loudly so she could hear from her room. I went to her to show her my uniform.

" It looks good on you." She said, not looking cause she is mad at me for not getting her snack. I decided to leave her alone, and to go to my room. Closed the door, and hopped on my bed. I maybe never see the purple-haired stranger again. Every time I thought of him felt a kind of peace. For the last two years, I was always stressed. A close to hair pulling strain constantly. All because of a curse the girl put on me.

I fell asleep to the calming feeling the stranger give me.

I hear laughing. The laughing gets louder and louder. I see girls around me pointing and laughing. It makes me feel scared and alone. I start crying and feel a hand behind me touch my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

I wake up and walk to school.

Toritsuka POV

A girl bumped into me, and her things went flying. I didn't really see her at first, so I look down to see if she is ok? I look down to see a really beautiful girl. She looks as attractive as teruhashi. I look down some more seeing her cleavage is out. I can't mess this up I have to get this girl's number. I got to act a gentlemanly as possible. I start picking up her groceries. I should get a spirit to act like a gentleman. No bad toritsuka bad. I hear soft crying so I look up to see her crying. What is wrong with her? Did I do something? How do I fix this? I should try to calm her down? I don't what to do?

my hand just reaches out and wipes her tears away.

"Are you okay?" Comes out of my mouth like I'm possessed but I'm not, it's unlike me! I look at her again. I feel like I know her, I feel like I care about her. Is something wrong with me? I feel weird! I hand her bags to her, but still crying. why is she crying? I know girls don't like me, but didn't do anything this time. Helping her up I look at her to see if she hurt. I'm worried! Why do I feel like I should be arrested? She continues to cry as we walk out of the store. The first thing I see is Saiki and Aiura. This looks bad!

what did you do to this to this girl, Toritsuka? Saiki asks me through telepathic.

I don't know, read her thoughts! I yell in my head

I did she just embarrassed. What did you do? Saiki thinks to me

I don't know! please believe me! I yell in my head see Aiura whisper to saiki.

"I-I'm sorry!"

What did Aiura say? I ask as the girl next to me steals her bags away and runs.

She cursed. Saiki saying and why is she running away!

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