Chapter 01. Convincing

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Disclaimer ! I will not be going off of the show some parts may be going off of the show but most scenes will not !

Julie's pov

I wake up to eggs being thrown at my window and I sit up and roll out of bed and open my curtains and see Luke throwing eggs and I smile and get dressed into a black tank top and with a flannel over it and put my black ripped jeans with some black boots on and walk downstairs and head outside and go to Luke "you know uhm I have an alarm and I don't remember setting you as my alarm" I say laughing and he turns and smiles "yeah but I still wanted to wake you up" he said leaning on for a hug and I hug him back around his waste and we both release the boys and I have gotten closer over the last few months ever since caleb's big plan to get the boys back and nick being possessed nick has a girlfriend named Kayla and I'm happy for him Alex and willie are together and Flynn and Reggie happened and honestly I wasn't expecting that and I have myself and Luke doesn't have anyone either which is kinda sad but good for me since you know I have feelings for him and all.

"Anyways I gotta go to school so I'll see you after" I said turning around and walking off, "actually hey" he says catching up and stopping in front of me "since were technically alive we could go to school with you and we also have schedules" I look at him like he was crazy "are you crazy? No your not going to school" I tried to walk away but he stops me he puts his hands on my shoulders and I fee butterflies in my stomach and I look at him. "Julie were gonna be fine what are you so afraid of?" I looked at him "I'm scared of losing you all again I almost lost you all and I can't go through that again luke" he pulls me into a tight hug "you won't lose us" he says with a smile and let's go of me "soo?" I look at him and smile as I roll my eyes "fine" he jumps up and down like a little kid and i laugh "ight imma go tell the boys" I laugh and walk off grabbing my bag-pack.

I arrive at school I walked here it isn't too far from my house it's about less than 10 minutes, once I walk in I see everyone with their boyfriends/girlfriends and it melts my heart in a good way I love seeing people happy I go to my locker and Flynn walks up behind me "hey so when you gonna tell him?" I look at her confused as I close my locker. "Tell who what?" She rolls her eyes and laughs "girl you know what I'm talking about" she says laughing like I'm suppose to know. "Luke" she said whispering I roll my eyes everyone has been on my ass about telling Luke how I feel well I keep telling them I don't so I'm being in denial but Flynn knows I like him the boys are to dumb to know anything honestly expect Alex and willie Reggie has an idea but he's not the brightest person.

"Flynn-" I start to say, but she cuts me off "No I don't want to hear it I ship you we all do" I look at her "I'm not telling him anything" I look at her serious. "Julie when will you?" She looks at me confused, "I don't know okay? I mean that's all you ever talk about now is when I'm gonna tell Luke it's up to me okay? So please just leave me alone about it" I say walking off and going into science and sitting down at my desk. The day went by pretty fast I went home and did some homework and Luke walks into my room, "hey Julie" my head snaps up at him "did my dad let you in?" "Well yeah I hope that's okay" I nod "that's fine just wasn't expecting you is all" he laughs nervously "yeah sorry" he said scratching the back of his head he only scratched the back of his head whenever he's nervous. "Are you okay?"

"Mmh? Yeah I'm good" I look at him and stand up "what's wrong Luke? I know you"
He sighs and looks at me. "I don't know you and I haven't gotten to spend a whole lot of time together you know like alone" it shocked me he said 'alone' because we only ever hangout in groups, "yeah I'm sorry about that but because of school and everything it's been hectic" he looks up at me "skip tomorrow just spending the day with me please Jules" I sigh "Luke I can't do that my dad said if I wanted to stay in the band I have to keep up with school and keep him in contact with everything I've been doing well with that I'll plan a weekend with us okay?" I say writing something down and putting it into my dream box and locking it. "Jules please" I laugh and turn around to him "No final answer" he looks at me "Jules it's just one day" I look up at his pretty brown eyes no Julie stop it "Luke my dad said-" he cuts me off "yeah whatever it's bullshit please Jules" I laugh at his comment "Luke-" "I won't take no as an answer" after about 3 hours of convincing I gave in and said yes luke is right we haven't had much time together because of my school work and we would practice or play and I kinda feel bad and maybe it will be some good to spend some time with him as long as my dad doesn't find out.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter !! Thank u for reading :))

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