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And so I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you
~ The Christmas Song ~

The thing about Christmas is, when you wake up in the morning there's nothing different or magical about the day you're waiting for almost the whole year. It's not like you can hear the sleigh bells ringing or anything. In layman's terms, there's nothing special.

But if you listen and feel closely, it's about the butterflies fluttering in your stomach when you realise it's Christmas morning, it's the delightful chill in the air that makes you wrap your arms around yourself and grin but most importantly it's about the excited family and children going door to door yelling..

“It's Christmas Uncle Nate and Aunt Stay! Wake up! Wake up!”

Last night, Mr. and Mrs. Williams insisted we stay overnight for Christmas morning and poor Nathan had to run home to get us a extra set of clothes for today.

Nathan turns on his stomach with a groan, wraps one arm around my waist and buries his face in my neck.

“Make them go away.”

Calming my racing heart, I wink at his favourite niece in encouragement and with a warrior yell she jumps right on top of Nathan.

His eyes fly open as his breath whooshes out of him.


I place my hand on his mouth and shake my head.

“Children present.” I sing song.

“I know what you were going to say Uncle Nate. You were gonna say Fuck! Daddy says that all the time when I jump on his stomach.”

Nathan sleepily blinks and grins lazily at his niece as the other children run out screaming when I get out of bed, wriggling my fingers teasingly to tickle them.

“It's a bad word hon. You don't wanna be a naughty girl on Christmas morning if you want presents from your Uncle Nate.”

“I'm sorry Uncle.” She buries her face in his chest and his eyes lock on me when a contented sigh escapes me. How I long to have our own children and watch Nathan love and cherish them.

He gives me a sleepy grin. My face softens. He can be so adorable sometimes.

“Did she fall back asleep?” I whisper as Nathan urges me to join them back in bed.

He nods.

I crawl underneath the covers and curl up next to him. Keeping one arm around his niece, he wraps the other arm around my shoulders to pull me tight against him.

I feel him place a kiss on top of my head just as sleep claims me again.

Christmas is beautiful but spending it with someone special just adds on to the beauty a million more times.


Christmas with the Williams was a busy affair. The Williams had a sweet and benevolent tradition. Each year, every month all of them saved a portion of their money for this day. Then they all bought many presents and prepared a Christmas feast from the money pitched in, for the children in the orphanages and even for the homeless.

I was surprised by how thoughtful every gift was and how diligently they cooked. Nothing was done carelessly or with the thought that it was a favour to the less fortunate. It almost was like they were doing things for their close family.

I was so touched when Nathan explained this to me that tears welled up in my eyes and my heart burst with gratefulness for being a part of this loving family.

Christmas AmóreWhere stories live. Discover now