December 10 - Christmas Coupons

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POV: Chisato Mera

"Hey Mera!" Yumehara greets me.

"Good morning." I say with a mouthful of bagel still in my mouth.

"You're already eating?!" She exclaims.

"I'll get any food I can get from this school." I reply and swallow the rest of the bagel remaining in my mouth.

"Anyways, do you have any plans for our holiday break? Me and Teruhashi were thinking about going to ring the New Years bell together and we wanted to invite you along." Yumehara explains.

"That sounds like a lot of fun but I can't." I say. "I have to work all break so that I can hopefully be able to eat real food before we go back to school. Eating grass and snow is getting kind of boring you know?"

"Yeah... Totally get that..." Yumehara says awkwardly. "That reminds me I got you this."

She fidgets through her pocket and hands me some papers.

"They came in the mail the other day and I figured you'd be more interested in them than me. They're some coupons for restaurants and stuff around here." She explains.

"Oh my gosh thank you!" I say snatching the coupons from her.

"No problem." She smiles. "I guess that can be part of your early Christmas gift."

"Part?" I ask.

"Yeah I wouldn't get my friend just scraps of paper." She explains and we walk to class together.

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