December 20 - Christmas Magic - Part 1

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POV: Chouno Uryoku

"My master Saikael is here!" I exclaimed.

"Good grief. Why did I have to run into you?" He sighed.

"I have a Christmas magic show tonight. I need you to be my assistant. Michael is in the hospital." I cried.

"Mr. Ike? What happened this time?" Saikael asks me. 

"We were trying out a new trick and he tripped and broke his ankle while also simultaneously breaking his elbow." I admit.

"Wow that's awful." Saikael says.

"So will you be my assistant? I need you at the show. You were one of the best assistants I've ever had! Please I'm begging you. I need to try out this new trick and I think you're the only one I know who can pull it off." I beg on my hands and knees.

"What a pain." He says but agrees to be my assistant for the show. "When is it?"

"Tonight." I reply.

"Tonight?" He exclaims.

"Yes but the routine is fairly simple. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it immediately." I reassure him.

"Good grief." 

To be continued...

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